Chapter 8: Investments

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Rose had never dressed so quickly. As much as every fiber of her being screamed for her to march straight to her father's office, her father hardly took what he referred to as her 'outbursts' seriously. Showing up in socks, and a fluffy robe wasn't going to convince him otherwise. Isaac caught her just as she slammed her room door behind her wearing black scrunch boots, and a matching long sleeved sweater dress that gently cradled her knees.

"Miss Gloxinia," Isaac said cooly as he blocked her path. His unfazed countenance was evidence that he knew exactly what was going on, and what was about to happen next. Rose hissed at their family's head manservant.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"The master's orders. Forgive me, Rose," he murmured low.

"Of course it. Always my father and his rubbish decisions. Of course!"


Isaac offered something, and when Rose looked to his gloves hands, she realized it was a protein shake.

"You haven't eaten."

Rose tutted, but accepted the bottle, and ripped it open. The heiress downed the drink in a few seconds, handed it back, and marched to her father's office.

"Miss Gloxinia."

Two mountainous guards greeted her at her father's door. Rose didn't spare them a glance. She wrenched the door open. As she expected, Andrew Gloxinia was hunched over his executive desk.


Without looking up, he answered flatly, "Daughter."

Rose plopped herself loudly into the leather chair across from him. Her father continued to write uninterrupted.

"What is this I hear about our weapons being stolen?"

Andrew's pen stopped for a beat, and then continued.

"It's being handled. I will take care of it, personally."

"Yes, I've heard. This morning. Why am I only finding this out now?"

"Because while you may be our heiress, until I either croak or give you the mantle, I am still boss of this family."

"That's nonsense, and you know it. You've always kept me posted. What's changed?"

"What's changed is you're a student."


"You don't need the distractions. Another reason why a marriage would've been good for you. Having a partner enables you to focus on what's most important."

Rose scoffed. "Oh, and a sizable chunk of our income being botched is not important?"

"It is very important. And as I said, my dear, it's being handled."

Rose crossed her arms, and dug her nails into them. "Never again. Anything happens in this family, anything at all, I want to know."

Andrews only answer was a hum. Whether that hum was an agreement or not, Rose could not be sure.

"And Johan?"

"What about him?"

"Have you heard? Or rather, how did you not hear? Uncle's loud enough for all of Silva to hear."

"Yes, I'm aware of the incident this morning."

"... And?"


Rose huffed, and tented her hands in front of her face.

Patience, Rose. Patience.

"And are you taking Johan with you? He doesn't want to go, you know."

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