Chapter 2

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Dick pov-

I knew that Jason was hiding something from me, and I had a few thoughts on what it could be, but I wasn't entirely sure and didn't want to act on it without any evidence proving my theory right.

He's had a lot of bruises and injuries, and when he said that he would get them on patrol as Red Hood, I had believed him, because, well, it was Red Hood. He almost never got away from a fight unscathed, like the rest of us vigilantes. But when I noticed that his injuries looked more recent the other day, I had help from Barbra and we figured out that Jason had lied to us when he had told us that he had just gotten in a fight out on patrol. 

That had made us suspicious, because Jason has never lies to us, me especially, unless something is wrong and he needs help. So Babs and I had started paying more close attention to our little brother, and I wasn't liking what I was finding. 

Everyone knows that Bruce and Jason have never gotten along, and they are always fighting and arguing with each other. But, the more I looked into the whole thing, the more I was starting to uncover about the two of them. I had noticed that Jason was himself and completely normal and happy around our siblings, Alfred, and Roy Harper, his best friend, but the second Bruce would enter the room, his entire demeanor would change and darken, and he would shut down instantly and book it from the room as fast as humanly possible. 

The Jason I know and love as my little brother NEVER runs from anyone, unless they have seriously hurt him in the past or still currently are. 

And the way Jason always runs from Bruce whenever he has the chance tells me that something is going on between the two, and that Jason is suffering because of it.

See, I knew everything about Jason's past. He had told me about how abusive Willis, his father, was to him and his mother, Catherine, and how Catherine was a drug addict, but was a good mom before she got hooked on drugs. I knew about everything he did to try and help his mom, and everything he had to do to survive on the streets when she overdosed on his birthday as a little kid. I knew it all, and Jase has the worst past out of the entire Wayne family. 

And now that Babs and I are trying to put everything together, we decided to include our other little siblings, and Jason's best friend, who no doubt would kill us if we didnt include him in on this. Roy and Jason were closer than any of us in the Wayne family, except for him and Alfred. Jay and Grandpa Alfie were an indestructible duo with a never breaking bond that could never be explained. and the red haired archer was extremely protective of his raven and white haired little brother. 

I had pulled Damian out of school and Tim away from his team and gathered the gang, Alfred too, Jon tagging along with Damian because the super sons were inseparable, and we were at my safe house putting our stories together and slowly figuring out what was going on while Jason was texting us on his phone in the group chat I made that Bruce didn't know about.

He said that he was just chilling in his room with Titus and Kitty Alfred, and after 30 minutes, he sent an odd text saying that he had to go and was offline in milliseconds. And then my phone rang with the alarm that I had made for my little brother's phone that told me when his phone got destroyed and the location it was broken at. 

When that showed up on my phone, all of us started running and driving for Wayne manor as fast as we could go, all heading to go to our brother and grandson. I was seriously proud that I had put the alert in his phone, and Tim and Barbra had helped make it. 

Anyway, we got to the manor in 10 minutes, going up through the cave, and Jon stopped. "Guys, I can hear Titus barking," he said, and Damian froze. "Titus never barks unless something is wrong. Kent, Harper, Grayson, come with me. The rest of you, spread out and find Father." he said, and we all nodded in agreement of his decision. Roy and Damian and I followed Jon as he quickly led us to where he heard Titus, who was howling long and loud and barking frantically while nosing a large lump on the floor, Alfred licking at the figure. 

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