Chapter 3

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Jason pov-

I woke up to being tied to an achingly familiar wheelchair with barbed wire, and Joker's laugh was ringing in my ears.

Opening my eyes, I saw Batman and my murderer laughing and talking to one another like they were old friends, and Joker handed Bruce a lot of money, and I watched as the two shook hands. 


My body stiffened drastically and my heart started racing as I realized what was going on. I had disobeyed Bruce one time too many, and he just sold me back to the man that killed me like he said he would. 

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!

This couldn't be happening. There was no way. I had to be dreaming, but the cold breeze on my body made it clear that my mind thought it was real. 

Tears streamed down my face as I called out to Bruce as he began walking to the exit of the warehouse we were in, desperate to get him to turn around. "Bruce? Batman! Wait, no, Batman, come back! Please, turn around, you're making a mistake. Bruce?  I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, come back, don't leave me here," I begged as Joker laughed and started to come towards me with the crowbar that I was terrified of. 

"No, no, no, no, nononononononononononononononono, wait, Bruce? BRUCE, COME BACK! DAD, PLEASE, I'M SORRY, COME BACK, I'M SORRY! BRUCE, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH HIM! PLEASE, DAD!!" I screamed, thrashing and trying to forcefully break out of the wheelchair, frantic and desperately trying to get away from Joker, who was swinging the crowbar as a few of his goons flanked him with weapons of their own.

My heart raced at an inhuman speed that would give the Flash a run for his money, and Joker was getting closer, and Batman farther away from us, from me. I would take Bruce abusing me for the rest of my life instead of Joker in less than heartbeats, and this was the ultimate punishment from Bruce. I was terrified, and crying as I tried to get Bruce to come back. 

"DAD, PLEASE, TAKE ME BACK! TAKE ME BACK! I DON'T WANT TO BE BACK WITH JOKER, PLEASE, COME BACK!! I'LL DO BETTER, I WON'T DISOBEY AGAIN, I PROMISE! PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH HIM! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!! TAKE ME HOME! BRUCE! DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN! DAD!!" I howled as the hem of his cape disappeared into the darkness of the city, the huge door slamming shut behind him, leaving me alone with Joker and his men, who all smiled cruelly and all came at me at once.

I woke up with an eardrum shattering scream of raw and unearthly fear, tears streaming down my face. 

The first thing my teal eyes saw when they snapped open was blurry faces over my own that were morphing into Joker's face, and his maniacal laughter was ringing and echoing in my ears so loud that I thought my head was going to split open. 

Joker found me, and he was going to take me from my brothers and sisters and grandpa again, and I couldn't let him, I had to run, run, run away, run as fast and as far as I can.

So I did. My body jackknifed up, and my arms shoved the Joker and his clones away from me as I scrambled off my bed and started sprinting down somewhere, not caring where I was going, just focused on getting away from the Jokers. I heard voices calling after me, Joker's evil voice, and I knew that they were catching up to me. 

Not again. Not again, not again, not again. I didn't want to go back there, not back to Joker. 

Anywhere but Joker. 

Hell, I'd even willingly go back to Willis if that meant that I'd never have to go back to Joker again, and that was saying something.

It wasn't long before I outran the Jokers, but at the same time, I found myself trapped in the kitchen in the manor. 

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