You Can't Stop The Beat

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Before we get to the hall we all drop by our houses to get changed into less dance wear and more street wear. While there I message Jude to check up on her and Cleo as I got a text that Cleo broke her leg walking out of Middle C.
"Hey you ready?" Antony asks as I finish messaging Jude.
"Yeah, let's go." I say and we all walk down to the hall.

I am really out of it since I found out about Heath so I don't realise that we get there. I am going to miss him because he has broken my trust now and I don't want to talk to him.

"Dani where should we sit?" Xander asks breaking me out of my trail of thoughts.
"Oh over here there is space for the six of us since Kenzie and Pete are already sat and there is room for two more if they want to sit here." I ramble as if to distract myself. 
"Okay calm, breathe." Jett says as we sit down as she heard my ramble.
I follow her advise and calm down. We are sat Antony, Dylan and Izzy in the front row. Myself, Jett and Xander behind. With two chairs next to Izzy and myself.

All of our phones go off as we are turning them off another TeaAra Bling video.
"Great." I hear Jett mutter as she is sat next to me.
I play the video for our row.
"Hi, everyone. It's your gal, TeaAra Bling, here. And if you have been keeping track, you will know that tonight is the big show for out favourite dance-tastrophe, The Next Misstep. According to my source," She says and I think about Heath. "Shad- formerly of Radiation and, up until recently, lead musician of the very show we're about to watch- left the team stranded just hours before the show to sign with none other than Maria. How many more catastrophes are we about to witness? I can't wait to find out."
I can't believe this I want to get up and leave but Jett and Xander ask me to stay and Jude comes and sits next to me. 
"I trusted him and he has gone and lost everybody's trust in the Studio." I whisper.
"I know, I know." Jude whispers back and hugs me.

The show starts. The behind the scenes videos begin. 
"Wow. What a moment." Maria says. "Now, unfortunately, the Next Step and Richelle are disqualified. I am here to officially announce that the Next Step has been hashtag dancelled."
"Dancemania should have been the start of everything for us, but instead it was almost the end. But we're not going out like that." Richelle says before the music begins.
"This is it. Tonight, the Next Step's plan finally comes together." Ozzy begins.
"Step one, we're going to prove our doubters wrong." Amy continues. 
"Step two, we're going to show the world who we really are." Kingston continues from Amy.
"Step three, we are going to prove that we were and are worthy of going pro. All of us, together." Piper finishes.
"So step inside of our world. We're ready for you if you're ready for us." Richelle wraps up the introduction and the dance starts. 
I am trying to watch everyone but so much is happening I have to look every where at once. 

Everything is going incredible and all of us are so hyped at how amazing they are doing and it's just started. I mean Cleo sounds amazing, they all look in-sync. This can only go up hill. 

They did amazing and run off stage when they finish. 
"Wow, they did incredible." We all say star struck.
"I can't wait to see the next dance." Jett whispers.

"After Dancemania, we weren't sure what was going to happen." Richelle starts again.
"We took a big risk and we had lots of supporters, but we also had people telling us that we were finished, over, done." Lily continues.
We hear different bits from each team member. 
"We've gone through so many challenges as a team. When people say that we're not strong enough to overcome them, I just tell them 'Wait. Because we're going to show you we can and we will.'" Kingston says.
"Sometimes in the past, I felt like nobody believed in me, not even my own team-mates. But what I know now is that we always, always support each other when things get tough." Ozzy says. 
"To me, actions speak louder than words. When I dance, I say everything that I want to say." Heath finishes.

The boys' dance begins right after they finish. They look fabulous and Kingston is singing this is so cool. I am really impressed at the flip that Heath did and all of us cheer for their dance as it finishes. 
"That was amazing I don't know how they will top that off." I hear Xander say and Antony laughs.
"It will be hard to top that." Antony replies.
"They will do." Izzy says and we all nod. 

The intermission starts and we all run to the bathroom.
"Who would think that people from our Studio could make something like this?" Ebby asks she was sat the other side of the audience from us.
"I know right?" Dylan says and the continue to talk as I walk out to watch the show again. 

"You can trust me." (The Next Step 8 x Oc) (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ