Sorting Hat

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Professor McGonagall gives a small speech, followed by a speech from Dumbledore. The first years are practically jumping out of their seats. Now it's time for the Sorting Hat.
"Swift Daniella!"
A tall girl with Brown-Blonde hair walks slowly towards the hat. She sits down. No longer than a second has passed when the hat calls out,"HUFFLEPUFF!"
She excitedly rushes towards her house table. Large cheers errupt. "Whooooo! In your face, Slytherin! You go Daniella!" She blushes then sits down.
"Black, Natalie!"
The crowd hushes. A black family member? The Black family had already died, hadn't it? Or were they still working for You-Know-Who? "SLYTHERIN!" The hat yells. Slytherin goes crazy, but everyone else just sits there.
"Riko Rhodes!"
A boy walks up to the stage. *murmers from around the room* "GRYFFINDOR!" The hall errupts into applause. Rhodes takes a seat next to Harry.
"Fetch Molly!" A smart-looking girl stumbles up the stage. "RAVENCLAW!" more cheering.
"Black Carter!" The crowd quiets again. 2 Blacks? In one sorting? There must be a mistakeStudents wear confused faces. Had Voldemort come back to power? "RAVENCLAW!" The crowd sighed with relief. Nobody in Ravenclaw was evil. Only Slytherin.
"Evergreen Nyx!" A shy girl looks at the floor. She slowly walks up to the stage and places the hat on. The hat has to take a moment. "RAVENCLAW!" The hat bellows. Nyx let's out a small squeal and runs to the Ravenclaw table.
"Malfoy Chelsea!" Draco grunts in disgust. They were cousins, but Chelsea was a muggleborn wizard. Chelsea walks boredly up to the stage and it takes barely half a second for the hat to yell "GRYFFINDOR!".

"Well," Dumbledore says. "I guess that's it. Dig in to your food."
Plates are filled with creamy stews, juicy meat, soft fruits, and everything else possible. The ghosts try to eat some food, but it just drops.

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