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McGonagall: Today I want to see you turn a feather into a bird. The spell is Birdigi. GO.
Hermione: GOT IT!
McGonagall: Well done, Hermione! 5 points for Gryffindor.
Molly: Oh! I think I got it! Yes!
McGonagall: Why, Molly, that is the most extraordinary dove I have ever seen!
Draco: Most extraordinarily ugly *snickers*
McGonagall: 10 points from Slytherin!
Dove: Squawk *Flies around, making a faint Cherry-scented rainbow behind it*
McGonagall: That's 20 points for Ravenclaw!
Molly: Am I allowed to keep it?
McGonagall: yes, I don't see why not.
Molly: YES!

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