The Forbidden Forest

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You aren't supposed to be allowed here but.......... Were all gonna be rebels like harry.
From giant spiders to carnivorous unicorns and inoccent dragons, literally every magical creature can be found here. And that's why the evil lair is hidden in here.
•There will be quests and things hidden in here that you need to find. I will announce those on the "Quests" chapter
•On quests, you can't say (insert name here) stepped into the forest and found what she needed. There will be things that happen that get in the way.
•Yes, you can befriend a carnivorous unicorn.
•If you want, you can actually be a magical creature in the forest, but you have to fill out a special form that I will put below
•Follow AshPrior12 and check out her cool Hogwarts rp. She needs more people.
•If nyou become a magical animal, you can make up your own species.

Magical Creature Form:

Special Feature:

This would be a random unicorn's form:

Name: unknown
Species: Unicorn
Friendliness: Very friendly if you are nice, runs away if you aren't.
Color: white with black eyes and hooves
Wings\None: none
Appearance: pretty much a white horse with a horn
Lives: in the middle section of the forbidden forest
Hates: Voldemort and all evil
Loves: Hagrid
Special Feature: If you drink its blood you live forever, but you live a tortured life
Other: none

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