(Part 1)Chapter 1: Return to earth/saving it

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A burning meteorite was seen entering earths atmosphere by nasa and Union. Nasa expected it to land somewhere near Union grounds and warned Union to take shelter. But they didn't head their warning as a student named rias with her incomplete peerage forced the meteorite in union grounds. Her explanation for this?

Rias: I sensed great power from the rock

Sirzechs: true but don't bring a meteorite in school grounds that's dangerous

Nezu: yes, the impact of the force would have been powerful enough to destroy part of Union

Rias: oh....sorry

Issei: hey um....the rock is moving

Everyone turn their attention to the rock as it began shaking violently

The rock began to float in the sky as bright red,blue, and green lights are seen inside the rock.

The rock burst open as a man with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, his veins seem to glow a bright blue with strange armor with similar glowing colors and a large tube on its back forming on his skin

???: ugh....huh? Where did I land?

Ozpin: your in Union school grounds mr...?

???: y/n l/n

Nezu: ah well mr.l/n please follow us and we'll try to help you if we can


Y/n tries to walk with the headmasters but a certain green haired broccoli boy stoped him

Green hair: excuse me mr y/n but uh why did you come from that rock?

Y/n: I'll tell later but now isn't the time

Y/n's armor began glowing bright blue as a massive shockwave was produced blasting several students away and y/n hundreds of feet in the air

Y/n: this wasn't my destination rias gremory

Y/n then rocketed off with a massive boom breaking the sound barrier and causing multiple alarms going off in Union

The headmasters rushed outside expecting a explosion but there was no explosion but students pushed back a couple 10 or more feet

Sirzechs: uh...where did y/n go?

Izuku: I don't know, I asked him a question but he told rias that this wasn't his destination and blasted himself away with a explosion I think...and went south..I believe

Headmaster's office

Nezu: hmm strange, this wasn't his destination what could that mean?

Ozpin: who knows, maybe he's searching for something or this planet wasn't the right place?

Ironwood: well for all I know, he landed in union grounds then left with a bang from his back launching him

Ozpin: jet pack maybe?

Nezu: it couldn't be a jet pack as it's to compressed and doesn't use thrusters. For all we know his armor is too advanced for us to understand

Sirzechs: but why were his veins glowing blue and the rock he came in glowing red, green, and blue?

Nezu: possible bioluminescence

Ironwood: I want to figure out how his armor works. and how did he survive entering earths atmosphere, most of the material should have burned off

Nezu: maybe his armor protected him from the impact

With y/n / the overseer

Flying a couple hundred miles away from Union I reached the ark, still station where I left it a couple hundred years ago.

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