(Part 2) chapter 11

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(End, short)

The two sides collide, tek machines fighting corrupted creatures, the knights of the overseer attacking any enemy within their eyesight

And y/n, he collides with Rockwell's body and leaves a large burn mark on it. His now red tek claws in bed themselves inside on of Rockwell supreme's tentacles instantly incinerating it and making it shrivel up and die

Rockwell supreme: you bastard! I recreated myself to be resistant to any attack coming from you! How did you damage me?!

Overseer: that's because I can, I won't defeat you... no I'll kill you and reset this forsaken universe to the 13th reset

Rockwell supreme launches more tentacles at the overseer but his body shakes at thousands of RGB beams severed more and more tentacles

Rockwell Supreme: got dammit, you just don't know whe-

Overseer: no! Edmund you don't know when to stop. How many times have you tried to kill me but I end up killing you? I was only going easy on you when you were Rockwell and Rockwell prime 

That's when the overseer flew up to Rockwell supreme's face and stabbed it over and over again killing it

Several hours later

The mega ark's 12 structures lifted up and slammed down and released different colored beams into the center of the universe

A planet was soon engulfed in the purple-ish blue explosion as time seemingly reversed

Galaxies, stars, planets, black holes, and other celestial bodies soon were reduced to atoms as the overseer rest the universe


Yeah very anticlimactic as Rockwell supreme didn't put up a single ounce fight unlike Rockwell prime who actually put a decent fight

But more on the short battle explanation

When the overseer is pissed, all of his powers ranging from his normal tek powers, to god like abilities, the slayer ritual, infinity stones, and hundreds more activate and his once sealed away power to reset the universe to the 13th reset

When the universe is reset, it returns to its adolescent stage, when the original universe was created from the Big Bang and the newly born universe began to expand I definitely, it's like that and the universe is reset


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