(Part 2) Chapter 8

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(Very Short)

The group from Union looked at the overseer in utter shock

Ozpin: overseer! We though you died

Y/n: I didn't, should'a looked harder

Nezu: wait...did you kill 12 billionaires in Cacayan tower?

Y/n: yes, they wanted to sell my creations and my megaArk just because "nobody" owns it, so the most rational thing I could do was kill them

Sirzechs: I though you protected humanity?

Y/n: oh I do, just only from planet ending threats and other things. Also you messed up my armor for my "memorial"

Loona: see Zoie what did I say

Zoie: ahh fuck, here's you 20 bucks

Y/n: alright now BE GONE THO-

The group was sucked inside a purple tube leading them to space and back towards Union

( start at 0:40 )

Zoie: uhh...where did they go?

Y/n: I used my Ascension their asses back to union

Zoie: what's ascension?

Loona: it's when they're transported to another ark, but because there's no other arks he transports them to wherever he wants them to go

Zoie: ohhh...


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