(Part 1) Chapter 12:

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The phenex family was angry at the fact riser was killed and ravel was stripped of her powers so anrgy in fact they placed a 20 million dollar bounty on his head and wish to claim the mega ark as their own

Lord phenex: you stood there and watched this so called overseer to kill my son!

Sirzechs: yes, all you do is baby his from the world and made him believe he was superior to other

Lady phenex: that doesn't matter, all I care about is his head in my hands and his "mega ark" under the phenex family control

Ozpin: maybe you should have become better parents

Lord phenex: what was that you bastard?!

He attempted to grab ozpin but a armored hand caught it

The Overseer: at this point, I should have made the phenix a mega ark only thing

He rips off lord phenex's arm off and slapped him with it


The overseer grabbed lord phenex's head and started to corrupt his mind using UNSTABLE element

The overseer: I'll slowly corrupt your already corrupted and small brain, then I'll just kill you

Lady phenex attempted to burn the overseers armor but it only made it one degree warmer

The overseer bitch slapped the female phenex stripping her of her power and making her a low class devil


The overseer: no, I'll do the same to every devil on this planet, strip them of their power and kill them, I don't care who it is, devil king or not I'll kill them all

He then finaly stripped lord phenex's Phenix powers away and tossed him next to his wife

The overseer: I've killed 600 devils and 300 assassins you and your family paid to claim my head, continue and I'll bring it up to all of you.

He bursts into cube then flew out of Union headmaster tower and into several buildings looking for ravel before simply leaving


Ozpin:.....phenex sir, you can leave

Phenex: no.....sirzechs please you can't let him get away with this! If not I'll amass my own army and overthrow you then kill that oversee-

Returning back in his cube form the overseer smashed himself into phenex's chest and bursted out from the back then reforming back into his humanoid form

The overseer: what did I say!

He slams phenex's head on a wall completely destroying both the wall and "lord" phenex's skull

The overseer kept the phenex alive just to brutally rip off his arms and legs

Lady phenex: wait stop! I'll give you money, lan-

The overseer slammed "lord" phenex into lady phenex's head killing "lord" phenex and crushing lady phenex's head and neck just from the sheer force of the bash

The overseer: trying to bribe me when you wanted me killed?

He stomps on lady phenex's head smashing it into paste and killing her

Sirzechs: y-you didn't mean that did you?

The overseer: I meant all of it, also where's the rest of the headmasters?

Ozpin: they left to the foreverfall forest with half the student body to collect sap and research the land and trees figuring out why the trees are red

Overseer: okay then, you can just leave the mega ark alone for a while. I'll be going dark for a few more months, ask Reyuko Matoi and Izuku to enter the office to receive this

He hands ozpin and sirzechs a box each with Izuku's and ryuko's name on them

Sirzechs: what is this?

Overseer: if i tell you then they'll dissolve, don't open them. It will kill you

He bursted into cubes and returned back to the mega ark where loona is seen stomping her foot on the ground rapidly and checking her non existent watch on her wrist

Loona: where where you?

Y/n: dealing with....justified business

Loona: and that is?

Y/n: legal brutality

Loona: damm.... Anyways senko and Zoie are in the tek cave, so your spending time with me again

Y/n: what is senko teaching Zoie?

Loona: don't know, don't care.

Loona: so ya coming?

Y/n: sure...where to?

Loona: my room where else, crystal isles isn't done till next month so we're spending time in my room because the only place you stay is your arena and tek cave

Y/n: reasonable....now do you want me to take you to the store tomorrow?

Loona: YES and

Loona: MLEM


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