Chapter 1

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Alrighty the story begins here guyz, i hope you will like it..

If you think this story misses something or there is something not clear.. say to me plz
Im human to i make mistakes to..

And uh yeah sorry for my grammar.. hehe~

Enjoy~ ^_^
"Arhg, to early." I seriously hate the sound of my timer.

"Rose, get up! Schools starts about in half a hour." I blinked." Huh, what? Is it that late already..."

I got of bed still half asleep. I headed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I hate the morning and splashed some cold water in my face.

I changed in my regular school uniform and got downstairs."ohayo, mom."

"Ohayo, Rose. I have put your lunch in your bag already so when your done eating you can go right to school."

"Thanks." My mom so sweet to me. She always makes my lunch even though she has to go to work.

"Well see you in the morning honey. Take care!"

"Bye, mom! Take care." She works as a doctor in a special deparment so most of the time she isnt home sadly. But oh well i can manage it on my own.

I look shocked at the clock as i see that it almost 7 am. "Shit, need to go." I stuff my breakfast quikly in my mound and run of to school.

~time skip~

"Ugh." I throw my bag next to the seat and let me fall in to it.

School so tiring. Its not that i hate school or something well i do but only the part of homework and tests.

"You know what.. Its time for an anime." Im practacly addicted to it, especialy of one serie.

I walk to the computer and put it on. I grabe some snacks and cola and take a seat after the pc.

"Which serie shall i look? I know.. im just gonna watch that again." And i type 'attack on titan'.

Seriously after the first episode i cried again. Its just so sad. I grab a tissue and whipe a tear away.

Then i skipped a few because i wanna see the scene were Levi gets introduced. "Omg, Levi your so hot did you know that?"

Im a really huge fan of Corporol Levi, because come on he! Hes frickin hot you know.

"Its getting late." I rub my eyes. Time to go to bed i guess. If i could only be in the same world as Levi my life would be perfect!

I walk upstairs and dreams about how i would react if Levi would standing infront of me now.

I got in my room and changed in my pjs and got in bed."hehe~ good night Levi." And i closed my eyes.

"Oi.. wake up! Wake up!"

"Hmmm.. j..just five more minutes." And i fall asleep again.

Suddenly someone shakes me by the shoulders and my eyes shot open.

"What the heck! Cant you see im......" When i look at the person who woke me i couldnt say anything anymore.

"Are you alright? What are you doing laying here? This isnt a place to sleep or something."

I couldnt believe my eyes. Right here infront of me sat Eren jeager. Like Eren from attack on titan. Like from animed world. This cant be happing right? RIGHT?

Another world!? (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now