chapter 10

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Helluu lovelies~

I screwed up! I'm old and forgetful and okay okay I got no excuses for this! I am really really REALLY SORRY!! It took waaaay to long for this chapter but I really got stuck and I changed schools got kicked screwed some shit up yeah the normal path of an 19 year old so to say XD but really I will try more my best now to update more! Please forgive me!

Warning: lemon shizzle ahead!

I was confused and hurt at the same time. Levi loved me, I loved him. He wants to keep me by my side and that is what I want to. But now also Erwin loves me. But he wants me away from them both only to protect me? This isn't right, my mind is blocking again. To much to handle, to many emotions to deal with!

"W..what..? I love you Rose, and I can not longer the affection you have on me. I want to protect you, to have you all for my own, but as long as you are here and risk your life every day again and again. It makes me scared, so scared that I will lose you. That you may die at any moment. I can not handle that anymore! I want you to be safe, so when I get back I can hold you close to me." He looked at me with so much love in his eyes and hints of tears. He must be death serious.

Oh Rose, what have you gotten yourself into. "Erwin, I am sorry but I can't return what you are asking of me. I... I already have given myself to someone else." You could see that he was hurt by my words. He stepped back sitting behind his desk again. "I see. So he already won you over didn't he... Sir? It does not matter you still will be transferred. EXCUSE ME?!" Raged filled my body again. How could he?! Even after I already explained everything!

"Even if I can not posses your heart, I still do not want you to get into danger anymore." I got infront of him again my hands on his desk. "You can't do this! I don't want to be transferred! You can't just decide my life and what I want to do!" He looked at me stern what made me back up a bit. "Oh but I can. I am after all still the commander. You will leave tomorrow. That's it, you may leave now." I huffed angrily at him turning around and speed walking out of his office while slamming his door.

I quickly got infront of Levi's office swinging his door open what made him stand up and yell out in annoyance but as soon as he saw my watering eyes his face turned to concerned. "Rose, what happened? Tell me up right now!" I made my way towards him hugging him while sniffing. He akwardly laid his hands around me shushing me.

"Erwin... he made me transfer to the royal guards.. Levi I don't want to go.. I don't want to leave you!" He started to pet my hair softly. "That bastard! I should have known he would pull some bullshit like this! Don't worry I'll talk with him tonight, I will not let this happen! You are not leaving me side!" I looked up at him with my red stinging eyes.

"I love you Levi..." he looked down at me a bit shocked but that quickly faded away while I kissed him with all my love. He kissed hungrily back putting my hair back out of my face while he deepened the kiss. I started to softly moan into it only to part our lips breath again.

"You are mine, Rose and mine alone. I will make sure of that." His comment made my stomach turn and my skin crawl. His eyes turned from soft and loving to pure lust and possession in seconds. He grabbed my waist and pushed me against him while he kissed me again this time more roughly. I felt a cold shiver when he had putted his hand beneath my shirt and trailed up to my stomach. "Arms up." I did what he said and he slid off my shirt while after that he kissed and softly bit my neck trailing to my collarbone and upper chest area. Out of nowhere he picked me up and putted me on his desk taking my shoes and pants off. He then stood between my legs this time I was the one kissing his neck and playing with his shirt. I probably took to much time with playing and fooling around because he clicked his tongue and quickly got rid of his own shirt and surprisingly his shoes and pants to. And my oh my, he may be small but his body surely is godlike. "Like what you see perhaps?" I just nodded and placed my hands on his perfectly sculpted abs. He then got rid of my bra and tucked away my panties by surprise what made me cover myself up with my arms. "Really Rose... you can see me but I can't see you? Tsk.. get those away come on there is nothing to be embarrassed about with such a hot body as yours and I want it all now!" His words made me hot and bothered so I opened up before him his eyes scanning my whole body. I nodded and gribbed the desk beneath firmly digging my nails into the wood while he slowly entered me. I moaned loudly when he pushed into me whole. He stopped letted me adjust to his size, when I gave him a small nod he started to move slowly. I moaned into his shoulder while he kissed and left marks on my neck. Both our bodies were getting covered in sweat and moved in sync while we both were getting at out heated breaking point. He picked up the pace while gripping my hips keeping them steady beneath him. I felt him tense up more and more while I felt my knot growing in my abdomen. A few more tough trusts and we both came loudly he growling and me moaning out. Worn out he laid his head on my shoulder we both panting. "You are mine officially now, no other man or woman may touch you. I will kill them." I chuckled while I kissed his cheek. We both got up and into the shower cleaning each other.

The next morning I woke a bit sore but also quite happy at the thought I was really his now. I turned around being greeted with an empty side, well not completely there was a note with;

Goodmorning Rose,

Don't worry, I am at Erwins office making sure you stay by my side. Go have some breakfast. I will see you in a minute.

Love Levi.

Yes, I am really happy for being his.

End? Or no end?
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