Chapter 2

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Hi guyz
Next chappie here..!
Hope ya gonna like it..

Eren:"Sure they gonna like Dana-chan!"

Dana:"Ahw thanks Eren. I knew you would like it."

Eren:"Ofcourse.. because im in it!"

Dana:"Wait what?! Eren!! Yo meanie.. *smags Eren*."
Hehe~ have fun reading guyz!
~Rose pov~

Who would have thought that i would be sitting in the same room with all the freaking characters from my favorite anime..? Well... i didnt!
But here i am sitting in the dining hall next too Eren and Armin. And i dont know how it happend but for some reason im fricking stuck here. Yeah me!

"Hey Eren, why do i have too stay here all of a sudden? I didnt do anything wrong or special too keep me here." I asked Eren confused.

"Uhm well you see Rose... uhm.. its bec.." Eren was interupted by Erwin who asked for me too meet him in his office.

"Rose Weber, would you kindly meet me in my office? Its very importent." I looked at him confused and nod at him. Yeesh, what have i done.

Eren and Armin looked puzzeled first why i had too go too the office of Erwin but after a minute they knew why and looked at me and nodded too go.

So i got up and started my way too his office. Great. This is just great. Right my first day here and im already in trouble. This is why i most of the time like too be alone.

I stood for the door and knocked soft. *knock knock*

"Come in, Rose." I heard Erwin say on the other side.

I opend the door and walked in. I saw Erwin behind his desk writing something and Hanji on his right and OMG i..i..isss that Levi..?

On his left side stood Levi with his arms folded looking at me with a blanc expression.

Omg freaking god! Im in the same room as Levi! And boy he looked handsome... only he seriously has too do something about his expression. Like hello... are you trying too kill me with that look or something.

I didnt know i was starring him until Erwin spoke too me."Please, take a seat."

"H..huh, oh yeah." I looked quickly away and took a seat before Erwin.

"U..uhm, sorry too ask. But why am i here?" I looked at Erwin not daring too look at Levi.

"Tch." I heard Levi klicking his tongue. Erwin shot a glance at Levi and started too explain.

"Well you see, i heard from Eren that he founded you sleeping on the street. But before that he saw nothing lying there until a flashlight blinded him. After the light was gone he saw you lying there."

He looked at me with a deadly serious face waiting for me to explain how i got there out of nowhere. I looked shocked at him.

Oh shit. What should i say. I cant say;"yeah, well you see. I was sleeping in my own world and i just woke up in your world like alright oke. So yeah here i am!"

"Do you know what happend?" Erwin asked me. Alright, think Rose. What is the best thing too say. Wha.. i know!

"Well, actually. I dont know. I dont have a clue how i ended up there or what i was doing there." I sayed. Its the best way too let them think i have amnesia so they wouldnt come too know that im actually from a other world.

"Hmm, well that can happen. I like too keep you here, because it doesnt happen every day that someone comes out of nowhere somewhere." He sayed and looked at Hanji.

"Hanji is going too help you too try too get your memories back too get answers what happend." I looked at Hanji who looked really exited at me.

"Yeah!" Hanji made a happy jump in the air and walked over too me. I looked scared at her because come on Hanji.... hell to the no i would like that she is gonna help me remember.

"Hi~, im Hanji and were gonna have such a lovely time together!" I jumped at how she said it.

"Shut up, shitty glasses! Shes not going anywhere with you. She probally would die if she does." Levi said in a annoyed tone.

I looked at him suprised. Why would he care if i die..? Its cute tho, hehe~.

Erwin looked confused at Levi."What are is your susggestion then?" Erwin asked Levi.

"Shes going with me." Confused but very happy too i replied."Why?" I looked at him. He stared at me anoyed.

"Tch, i just sayed it right. You would DIE if you go with her, annoying brat." Startled of his replie i stood up.

Like hell i would stay here. I actually wanna stay here because i like them all and this is my chance. But im not gonna stay here and be orded around by this little handsome hatefull Levi figure.

"If you all dont mind i can help myself. I dont need your help by finding my memories i can do that on my own. So thanks for offering a place too stay and too help me but no thanks."

And i started too walk out of the office when suddenly a hand strong hand grip my arm."It wasnt a choice for you too stay or not, so put your ass down on that seat right now!" Levi said.

My arm started too hurt like hell because hes still the strongest soldier you know. If he doesnt let go of my arm now im going too hit him! Man it hurts.

"Would you be so kind then too LET GO OF MY ARM! It really hurts you know. I said really annoyed.

Levi took his hand of my arm and i walked back too the seat but didnt sat down. I was really angry now.

"Alright, Levi is going too help you remember but in the mean time would you like too join the survey corps? Were short on people and we could use everyone who is willing too join you see."

Erwin was looking at me with hope in his eyes that i would say yes.

Ah crap. You got too be kidding me right. Why god... why? I dont wanna die yet. But what am i going too do otherwise..? Cleaning all day long. Hell no!

I looked at Erwin with dermined eyes." Fine, alright ill join." Erwin looked suprised at me but happy at the same time.

"But... I do not want any help with getting my memories back from anyone." I looked at Hanji then looked at Levi angry. "I can take care of that myself if you dont mind."


"Ahw, are you suuure Rose? I would love too help you." Hanji begged and grapped my hand.

"No, thank you."

"Alright, thats settled then. Welcome too the survey corps then Rose. Im pleased that you joined us. Now your roommates will be Mikasa and Sascha."Youre dismissed."

I walked out of the room and sighed. Man, how did i get in this shit.

"Erwin, why did you let her join us? She probally cant even fight." Levi said really annoyed.

"Because otherwise she would probally run away from here. And i have too know what she is hiding from us."

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