Chapter 6

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Hi~ guyz

Sooo im planning to make Levi kinder.. cause i know he isnt the nicest but i made him kinda look bad at my chapters.

Hanji; well yeah, cause ravioli is bad!

Levi; what did you say shitty glasses?

Hanji; hahahha, *sniff* nothing nothing.

Dana; guyz keep it friendly here!

Levi; YOU! Come here right now!

Dana; he-he~ look Levi im really sorry it was just a joke please forgive me!

Levi; little shit, you think i would forgive like that?! Your gonna clean my office till its spotless brat!

Dana; im doomed.......
Have fun reading guyz!♡
Swinging true the trees felt actually really good. The wind felt cool and fresh against my face.

Right know i had cut 14 titans in a few minutes.

To my left i saw the last one. Swinging my gear to the right to attack it at his blindspot.

Alright the last one! If i slay it from the right from that big tree that would be the safest and fastest way.

Lets go!

In the meanwhile...

'I have to say, shes one of the fastest ive ever seen.' Erwin looks how need and fast Rose slices the dummy titans.

'Waaauw.. You did a really great job this time raviolli!' *smirks*

'Shut up, shitty glasses! But yeah, she did become one of the finest soldiers weve got.'

Levi looks at her with great proud and surprise how need you go true the trees.

Finally done i go down with my gear and stop right in front of the three.

'Well... how did i do?' Wow Rose, just when did you become so brave to speak at first...

Erwin looked at her with proud.' Well Rose, i have to say.. you really inproved and im confident that you will make it far.'

Hearing that i stuck my nose in the air and looked cocky at Levi.

Hah! In your face little midget... muhahahahaah..

'Im inpressed Cadet, good job. Now your worthy to become a real soldier.' Levi said without looking at me.

W w what.... Are you serious right now? Did he just praise me..? Well on cocky way then but form him thats something big!

'Yeah Rose, you really did improve. Surely because of Levi's prived lessons hmm~' said Hanji with a grin on her smile.

Know blushing like crazy i said: 'ha ha.. well its more because of Mikasa really, she trained me one on one.'

Levi's mind; What.. but i was the one who trained you all the trucs.. you little cheeky brat! I will get you for that. You just wait and see!

'Well Cadet Weber, your official a soldier know.' Erwin gives Rose a proud tick on the shoulder.

'Thank you sir!' Standing in a salut.

Erwin was walking away when he suddenly turns around.

'Oh, and btw... your now one of the special corps under corporal Levi.' And he walks away while i watch his back with great eyes in disbelieve.

'Tch, he always does shit like this.' Anoyed of what Levi said i burst.

'And whats that suposed to mean! That im not worthy of your team... well thanks, but dont lie to me again then about how i improved!'

Wait... did i just say that against levi! Omg... now ive done it :$

Levi turned around and looked so angry at me that Hanji waved goodbye and told that she had to do some titan things.

I backed away a little like a scared rabbit.

'I sorry Corporal... i r really didnt m mean that.' Stil walking backwards.

Levi kept walking closer and closer (what freaked me out as hell).

'You sure have a big mound when your used to your suroundings hé Cadet Weber.'

Levi's voice is so creepy when he's angry.

'Maybe i should shut it for you, that would be a great help for all of us. Dont you think so to? Mm~'

Still walking backwards i tripped against a little rock and landed on my butt.

'Auch.' I rubbed my butt with a sour face.

Looking up i saw Levi's face too close too mine so i backed away a little.

Then suddenly he stuck his hand out in front of me.

'Uuhm.. Levi? Just grab it allready!'

I put my hand in his a little and he just grabbed mine and pulled me up.

'Thanks....' i guess.

'Just go inside allready and after dinner clean the whole room spotless!'

Stunned i walked back too the building.

Levi's mind; what am i doing... this isnt who i am or how i should be. Keep your head cool!

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