Chapter 4

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Hi~ guyz..
Sooo the fluff and stuff is gonna
Begin here.. yeah! Its not much but there is some!!!

Levi: Were is that brat Jeager!?

Dana hiding behind Eren terrified.

Eren: u..uhm, i i dont know corporal...

Levi: Youre better telling the truth here or youll get some to!
Walks away angry.

Eren turns around to face Dana.
Eren: you own me big time!

Dana: hehe~ thanks Eren..!

Eren: Enjoy the chapter guyz.!
"Rose, wake up! H..huh, what?
Get up! Dont you have to go to the corporal?" Asks Mikasa.

I shot up and looked at the time. To my realise i see that i have only five minutes left.

"Ah shit!" I quickly got in to my clothes and dashed of to Levis office.

I got just in time. What a luck i got this time. And knocked on the door.

"Name and business". I heard from the other side of the door.

"Rose, im here for the training..?" I said a little bit nervous. "Come in".

I opend the door to see Levi sitting behind his desk like usuall.

He looked kinda strange tho. Like he had a little smile or something. Well whatever im just seeing things.

I stood before him and saluted."Good morning corporal". I said it with a smile to lightend up the mood in here.

"Tch". Was all i got back. Sometimes he can make me so angry and frustered with his always cold mood.

"Well, lets start the training shall we". Huh does he mean here? I looked at him confused.

He looked back at me with one of his iritated faces."You can start with cleaning the books and bookshelfs." He pointed to the wall with a lot of books.

Wait.. why do i have to clean the books and bookshelfs..? I thought he was going to freaking train me. Not make me an personal slave goddammit!

I looked at him angry and wanted to say something but holded in. That was for the best.

"The supplies are in the closet over there". He pointed at the back of the room.

I walked over to the closet and opened it. There i saw seriously supplies standing for i guess a whole year.

I took the supplies and started to clean. I begun down and worked that way up. Only the last shelf was actually to high for me and when i stood on my toes i could just grab a book.

Ah man.. this is bullshit. Im to little for this! He can see that right? Why does he let me do it...

Just when i wanted to grab a book i fell backwards. So i closed my eyes for the fall. Only i never hit the ground but some strong arms got a hold of me.

I opened my eyes to see Levi's face above mine. My cheeks coloured a little pink. He stared at me with those beautiful grey eyes.

Man.. hes actually handsomer up close.. and those eyes to get lost in. And OMG are those his abs..? Hes so hands... wait, i need to get of this!

"U uhm, thanks". That came to nervous from my mouth. He was still holding me.

"Uhm, corporal you can let me go now". Saying he looked at me with a smirk. He knew i wasnt comfortable with him holding me in his lap.

"No, im not letting go".

Great hes letting me g.. Wait what? Did he just say no?? Noway right...

"Huh? But corpor... Levi, here you can call me Levi." He said at me still holding me tight, tighter actually now.

"O..oke Levi, can you please let me go. I still have to clean the bookshelfs".

"Tch, shut up for a moment can you"! I looked shocked at his sudden outburst.

What the hell did i say to make him angry? I only asked him to let go... what heck he!

I tried to get out of his hold but he only grabbed me tighter by the waist. Then suddenly he let me go.

Levi walked back to his desk and started writing again."Go back to cleaning the shelfs you brat"! Was all he said to me.

What the freaking hell was THAT!! Is he sick or something or being controled? Holy shit.. that didnt make any sense at all!

I went back to clean the rest of shelfs and books and by the time i was done so was Levi with his papers.

"Im done sir. Tch, didnt i say to call me Levi here..?" I looked down not wanting to look at his eyes because that maked me feel uncomfortable.

"Look at me when im talking to you little shit"! Looking at his grey sexy eyes i started to blush again.

"You can do the floor now, cadet". Ah hell no! I hate you!!

Walking angry to the supplies closet i grabbed a cleaning cloth. I walked back and dropped to hands and knees in front of Levi's desk.

After a few minutes i started to feel something burn in to me. Not litteraly ofcourse but like a way when someone is watching you.

So i turned around to see Levi getting back to his paperwork again looking it true.

Was he staring at my butt? Noway right.. right.. hmm interesthing.

I turned around again but this time i got more down with my arms to stick my butt more out to Levi.

Again i felt being watched. Yeah, hes actually really looking at my butt. Haha, well lets play a little shall we..?

When i moved my hands faster by back made more movements up and down. Levi stared with wide eyes at her.

Shes so gonna get it when shes done. Shes littarly teasing me isnt she? She will pay for that!

Afters a hour i was finally done so i stood up and brought the supplies back where i got them.

But when i turned around i saw Levi in front of me. Standing right in front of my face.

"Do you like to tease people, brat?" He said looking at me with angry but also lust in his eyes.

"U..uhm i dont know what you mean corp.. Levi". He banged his hands next to my face against the closet so i couldnt run away.

"Dont lie to me! I know what you where doing you brat!" He was now inches away from my face and lips.

Hmm.. if i could only taste those sweet soft lips of him... wait no no.. wake up Rose.. you need to get away from here.

"You will obey my every order Rose if you like it or not". And before i could say anything he crashed his lips against mine and kissed me roughly. i dont with this. This is not how i wanted my first kiss.

Tears started to create in my eyes and my legs and arms felt like jelly.

I need to get away. I need to get away. I need to get away!

With all the strenght i had left i pushed him away from me and started to run.

I was running as fast as i could to my chamber and when i got there i locked the door.

Walking to my bed i fell down on it and cried in to my pillow.

I hate him. I hate him!! I hate him!!

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