Coffee Chat

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''So it's basically I'm confused over who will be my New year's kiss, Alberto is great but this other person, I fell for them by the end of my first day here in the city and what if I kiss one but not the other then one will enter the new year with a broken heart and if I kiss both of them then they'll be confused over who really gets my affection.'' ''Well do what I do at New year's parties, kiss a random cardboard cutout and hope no one's filming.'' ''Got any other ideas?'' ''Aha! Go to the party without a date, guys dig a girl who's open to dancing with anyone and if you do your outfit and makeup right and look really hot then you'll be the envy of all. The dudes will practically be falling at your feet.'' ''Hmm, tempting. I'll try it. Wait does Louie Ria allow Plus ones?'' ''Well you have to give him a letter requesting a guest invite, the deadline is tonight at midnight. I know one of the employees from the Pastastar in Portellini is bringing a guest. Some high-profile celebrities will be there like Crystal, the heir to the biggest diamond mine empire in Frostfield, Jojo, Romano Family Quartet, Kayla the actress we met in the meeting and Wally who is the honorary mascot of Onion town. ''Don't forget about Whipp from Whiskview, he plays a millionaire at parties along with Rico who walks in front of cars holding a pot of chili and sues the drivers.'' ''The point is a lot of people will be there, making a lot of opportunities to find your New Year's kiss. So go solo and if you aren't comfortable with that, you and I can go as a friends.'' ''Thanks Matt.''

She went to bed soundly that night and the next day was about making preparations for the dance. Louie Ria rang up all of the employees asking who would like to help for an extra $20 added to their next paycheck. Elle and Matt were happy to help out with the balloons, streamers, rigging the confetti cannons to shoot at precisely 12:00 midnight and setting up signage to direct people to the party. They returned to their hotel room at around 3:30 PM and Matt was like ''Um, what do we do now?'' ''I don't know the past few days we were here you'd do stuff while I ran off with some guy.'' ''So what do we do now?'' ''Well what are your goals for the new year and got any advice?'' ''Well if there's one thing I want out of next year, it's to continue having my stable job in Sakura bay.'' ''So that's it, no adventure, no change, not even a new hairstyle?'' ''Nope, you know me, I like it consistent.'' ''I could use something new in my life, I'm not sure what it will be yet?'' ''The party is tomorrow so I hope you figure it out fast.'' ''Me too.''

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