Chapter 1

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There was a shriek. Kai turned towards the wall separating the girls' chambers and the guys' chambers.

That was weird. He thought, and continued writing.

There was another shriek. There was a crash against the wall. Kai was slowly rising from his chair when he heard a hair raising scream.

"KAI! KAI!" It was Cinder's voice. He shoved his chair aside and sprinted to the girls' chambers. He threw open the door. Cress was in the living space of the Rampion, and Cinder was the only one there. Her sheets were tangled around her legs, and beads of cold sweat stood out against her forehead. She looked pale.

"Cinder. Cinder!" Kai strode forward, sliding onto his knees to get on level with her. She made an agonized shriek, and clutched at her chest, sobs shaking her body. But it was a tearless sob, a dry, heartbreaking, sorrowful sob.

"Cinder, Cinder, it's okay" Kai whispered.

"Don't do this to me!" She shrieked, still in her dream induced haze.

"Cinder, it's okay, we're safe. You're safe." Kai said. He gently swept the stray strands of hair clinging to her face. She shuddered. He gently shook her, and her eyes slowly opened. Her blurry eyes seemed to clear, and she suddenly jumped, half conscious.

"Don't touch my control panel" She yelped. Kai blinked.

"Oh, wait..." Her voice faded off. She blinked slowly, and as her eyesight adjusted, stared at Kai.

"Kai... Oh, you're fine!" She cried out, and jumped into his arms, her head aching, her breath heaving in and out with dry sobs.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He whispered, holding her gently to his chest.

"I... You.... You left me alone. All alone. You died, Kai, you died" Her voice was full of sorrow, and she swiped at her dry eyes, wishing she had tear ducts. She wondered if the doctors would let her install some after this chaos was over and she wasn't a wanted convict.

"I'll never, ever leave you. Do you understand?" He asked, his voice firm.

"Kai" Cinder whispered, her voice warbled with tears that would never be able to come.

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