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Okay, guys, I know you guys are fully fed up with me being inconsistent with my writing. That is simply because I am super busy lately. I do understand that everyone is busy and they still manage to do things, but I really don't have a lot of time to do things. 

I will be updating regularly, with the same writing schedule, but please do understand if I miss a day or two. I will be trying to write three chapters, and having them uploaded on Wednesday, so that I can make up for what I've missed. 

I'm starting to get ready for a huge exam coming up, and revamping my room, so please hold a little sympathy. 

As for my new viewers, sorry about this, this isn't normal, it's just that I really don't want writing to become a chore, and instead a hobby, or an enjoyment. I haven't had time to work through my writers block to write out chapters as efficiently as before, and due to a slight wrist injury that I've had, I can't type as fast as I used to. 

So, between my writers block, my typing issues, and the exam coming up, it takes me simply ages to get a chapter done. I haven't had time to read or film as much as I used to. 

Thanks for your understanding, and with greatest apologies,

The Pretty Pen Girl

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