Chapter 15

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Atlanta scrambled to the back of the cell, slipping and scraping her leg on the hard stone. She wondered for a moment if it would scar. Like the crescent shape burn on her forehead, branding her. 

Like the red whiplash surrounding her ankle, from when she had tried to save her brother. 

Like the guilt that had embedded itself inside her soul for not being able to save him. 

Andrew was the only one left. 

How many scars had this damned place cast on her? How many scars would it take for them to see sympathy? How many scars until she broke? 

How many scars until she could go see her baby brother? 

How many?

Atlanta shoved herself into the tiny corner, hiding herself in the shadows. She had never been a small, petite girl, or thin and beautiful, like her friend Pearl.

Pearl had the most beautiful hair, the kind that was pitch black and straight. The perks of being one hundred percent Asian. 

Atlanta envied her. Atlanta had never really liked her appearance. Though the idea of 'races' had disappeared almost completely, Atlanta had always treated it as if it were still there, because everyone knew about the new kind of beauty. 

Something that no operation, even in the present era, could create. 

And that was pure beauty. 

Atlanta never knew who her real parents were. Her brothers were her only biological family. She appeared to be half American, and half asian. 

She missed Pearl more than ever. 

The sharp laughter stirred her out of her stupor. 

"WHERE'S SCARLET? TELL ME!" There was a roar, and the bars shook again. There was a clang and a snap. The a faint ring. One of the bars had broken. 

Atlanta peeked out from behind the little corner. And the sight of 'Lady' Eclaire made her want to hide. So she did. 

She wondered if she would ever bring true honor to her family name. She wondered if she was serving the wrong purpose. Trying to bring honor to a name that wasn't even hers. 

Atlanta wondered if a prince would save her. Because Atlanta wasn't sure if she could save herself on her own. 

Much less her brother. 

Atlanta (Part of My World) (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon