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First of all, I solemnly apologize for my lack of content. I have been really busy, still on a holiday, and the computer in this house is broken. I will be going back to a house with available computers, so I will be able to hopefully do something about this pathetic amount of content. I am actually quite disappointed with myself lately, as I have been doing nothing but buying cosmetics and gifts, therefore, no reading or writing.

I am delighted to say that my grandparents have gone to Paris for a holiday of their own, and will be coming back on Friday in the United States. Thursday in Korea. Therefore, this turn of events will allow me to spend my free time at home holed up in the spare room writing on my notebook, of which I hauled with me. It's a chance for me to practice my penmanship.

If you have found me here through Youtube, I apologise for lack of content there too. I have been pretty busy here, and the chaos has not allowed me to vlog.

In case you are wondering what the Atlanta Morris chapter was about, it is both a kickstart into a NaNoWriMo piece that i have been preparing, and a new twist on this fanfiction.

Because I haven't read the first three chapters of Winter included in Fairest, I have decided not to include Scarlet and Winter in my version of 'Winter'. I was planning to write this as a version of Winter, almost like Cath from Fangirl, written by Rainbow Rowell.

My creative juices haven't been flowing as well, so my fanfiction is really dark right now. I'll type it out whenever possible. As for my other fanfiction, Parallel Worlds, I haven't really been thinking about that right now, instead, I have been writing letters to Jem, almost like a diary, because I'm an idiot like that.

So, as I was saying earlier, I will be calling this fanfiction 'Atlanta' for short instead of 'Part of My World'. In case you were wondering, it's a fairytale retelling of Mulan, which happens to be my favorite fairytale\Disney Princess.

When I get back to America, I will be sticking to a writing schedule.

I'm so sorry.
Writing from my tablet withbubbles and scribbles,

Atlanta (Part of My World) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now