Waking Up

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If you haven't already, please watch (or play) Minecraft Story Mode. I don't want to spoil anything, there are play-through's on YouTube (and a small community of mcsm enjoyers on TikTok).
I will update this story whenever I can!!
And I will update my other stories whenever I get ideas for them!

But if you have watched a play through (or multiple) , then I hope you enjoy :)

You awoke in darkness, no idea where or who you are. You only know one thing: you were falling.
A few people near you were screaming whilst everyone else looked too sick to even move. You tried to grab onto the 'wall' behind you but it kept slipping out from under your fingers.
People were holding onto each other for support, others were huddled on the floor.

What a way to wake up.

You were falling for what felt like hours, people near you even started gripping onto you for comfort. You didn't mind their sudden contact, you were too focused on the falling.
You were too tired to focus on anything else, you didn't want to wake up now but the sudden movement and screams forced you to wake up anyway.

Then suddenly,
Everything stopped. . .

The people who had managed to stand up tumbled over on one and another. And everything was silent. The sound of the ground hitting whatever you were inside of rung throughout the darkened room.
People near you started to stand up and walk over to a corner. A corner of light.
People started to yell in joy, attracting other people from other sides.

One by one, people started walking into the light. Was this the end?.

You stayed sitting down, staring at the light and watching everyone leave. It kind of reminded you of something, leaving a sense of deja-vu. But you couldn't remember where you remembered it from.

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