New beginnings

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"My school bully, you were my Thirteenth Reason Why."

Get cozy and warm because I'm about to tell you about the story of my life and why I made choices to end it. Listen carefully because you are on the CDs and you will watch them to see how broken I was before I got into the shower

The lonely and broken girl was a sweet and gentle soul named Sinenhlanhla. People did not know shit about her when they think they knew what she went through when they saw her body that night. High school isn't what you think. One day you will hear her story and that day might be when she finally broke, but here is a part of it... but let's go back to 18 years ago.

On the 9th of October of 2005 at 9 PM sharp, let me rephrase. She was supposed to be born on that date but she was a month early, so it came with a few complications, and later in her life, she was diagnosed with a disorder. In the year 2011 Sinenhlanhla lost her beloved aunt, some may say she was her favourite, she never met her grandfather and in 2014 she lost the one person she loved most and that was when her life changed.

The only thing keeping her happy was her brothers and parents, then school. She met this boy with black hair and blue eyes who she called her best friend and he was good to her, they spent all their lives together until they went on their journeys in high school and Sinenhlanhla didn't recognise him anymore then never saw him again. Now back to the present, this boy Brayden went to Hilton Boys College, and Sinenhlanhla went to St Anne's Diocesan College for Girls in Hilton, KwaZulu-Natal but he wanted to talk to her when he knew she had a boyfriend.

When Sinenhlanhla had an orientation week, she bumped into him as she was walking alone.

"Hey, Sne," Brayden said

"What do you want?" Sinenhlanhla asked

"I wanted to say hello," Brayden said

"Why would you want to? You left me because you cut me off, I had scars from cutting myself and I used to tell you but you didn't support me." Sinenhlanhla said

"You look tired and not okay, but I'm so sorry," Brayden said holding her arms

"No, Brayden you're hurting me and my ankles are sore," Sinenhlanhla said

"Please don't hurt yourself," Brayden said

Sinenhlanhla pulled down her sleeves and also tried hiding her ankles because she had cut herself. After that, she left him

"I've been cutting myself and I get bullied every day for my seizures and panic attacks so I don't need anyone to help me," Sinenhlanhla said

When she left him she started to cry and a girl who always provoked and bullied her came out of nowhere.

"Hey Sne, you good? Are you okay?" She asked

"Kassandra, what do you want? Please leave me alone." Sinenhlanhla said

"You must be so lonely and unhappy, come walk with us," Kassandra said

"I would rather dig myself a grave than be in your little world, do not pretend as if you care because I don't give a crap about you and it's vice versa," Sinenhlanhla said

"You think that will hurt me? I can ruin your life in the years of high school." Kassandra said pointing at her

"Then do it, just keep in mind that you will suffer the guilt, the consequences, and someone's blood will be in your hands," Sinenhlanhla said

Kassandra left her alone and Sinenhlanhla was alone and sat on the swinging bench talking to herself.

"I saw that, is she one of them?" Brayden asked

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