Senior camp

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When the midterm break was over Hilton and St Anne's College went camping at the Queensburgh Caravan Resort, but they stayed in tents and they went to the campfire that night, the boys and the girls sat on the logs around the campfire area and Sinenhlanhla wore her jersey and rested her head on Justin's shoulder, Hlengiwe and Dominic sat on the log next to them, while Aaron and Delilah sat next to the teachers and Kassandra's clique sat on the other side.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked

"Yeah I'm okay, it's just chilly," Sinenhlanhla replied

"Here," Justin said taking his jacket off

He wrapped it around her body and kissed her on the forehead when she rested her head on his shoulder while he was making s'mores.

"But you're going to get the flu," Sinenhlanhla said

"I'm wearing my hoodie so it's fine, you can have my jacket for now." Justin smiled

"My preference for s'mores is just the s'more with melted chocolate and no cracker," Sinenhlanhla said

"Okay, I won't add it." Justin laughed

Justin was done with the first stick of s'mores and blew on it to make it cool but then Sinenhlanhla took one.

"Ahh, that's hot." Sinenhlanhla laughed

"It's your lack of patience and craving." Justin laughed

"Can you hear them?" Sinenhlanhla asked

"Who?" Justin laughed

"The ghosts of the past that drowned in the river." Sinenhlanhla smiled

"No what are they saying?" Justin asked

"Well the brother is saying that she mustn't leave him, they still have each other." Sinenhlanhla smiled

"What is the sister saying?" Justin smiled

"Well the sister is saying that she wants to help get out of the boat, she can't get back to the land," Sinenhlanhla said

"Oof, I hope she can get back to her brother because he loves her and is the only good thing in his life," Justin said

"Well, he turned around when he was called by his older sister and then the boat tipped over and then she drowned after screaming for help," Sinenhlanhla said

"She must know that he regrets it every day for letting her go and that the brother will never leave her side dead or not," Justin said

"Kiss me," Sinenhlanhla said

Sinenhlanhla looked at him and looked at his lips when he removed her straightened hair from her face and he kissed her as she deepened the kiss.

"I love you and stop thinking I will up and go then you are left alone, alright?" Justin muttered

"I love you," Sinenhlanhla said

"Now, the s'mores are ready, you can eat," Justin said

"You can have them," Sinenhlanhla said

"I will make sure you eat first." Justin laughed

Sinenhlanhla took the s'more to eat before they were called to go eat the dinner the camp councillors cooked them. When the students were sitting at their tables, Justin and Sinenhlanhla sat together and he put his arm around her neck as Sinenhlanhla held the hand that was hanging over her shoulder.

"I have never sat at this time of the day to eat dinner," Justin said

"Yeah, because the coach makes us exercise until this time at 5 pm," Dominic said

One Night In Her MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora