Lies and Deceit

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TW: This chapter contains self-harm

Sinenhlanhla's POV

Justin had to leave for the hospital and when I called him it went straight to voicemail and it didn't worry me until the next day when he didn't call back. Our schools hadn't been together for a while, for a month but then we still had to cheer them on and Justin wasn't there, Dominic didn't talk to me and I asked Raul what happened but he told me not to worry and that Justin is coming back.

A month later...

There was a basketball game and the day before, when Hlengiwe, Delilah, Genevieve, Lesego and Minenhle were gone to the courts to watch the game, Sinenhlanhla had cut herself, her ankles, wrists and she had choked herself with her school tie trying to take it off. Hlengiwe and Minenhle came back and found Sinenhlanhla lying on her bed and blood on her sheets with a tie around her neck.

"Did you see Aaron and Justin, they were amazing," Genevieve said

"Let's talk about the shot Justin made!" Hlengiwe said as she dabbed her up

"He was beyond the centre of the court and he ran to make a dunk shot which is why he is the MVP." Genevieve laughed

"We should tell Sne." Minenhle shrieked

"Let's go chill in my room." Hlengiwe smiled

They laughed as Hlengiwe opened the door. She ran to the bed in a panic.

"Sne," Hlengiwe said shaking her

"Oh my god," Minenhle said

"Call an ambulance, she barely has a pulse," Hlengiwe said

Minenhle grabbed the phone and called the hospital to tell them to come to the school.

"Why would she do this?" Delilah asked

"She hasn't been well," Genevieve said

"Her uncle passed away a month ago, Justin ignoring her, her mom not calling and then she's depressed according to Lindani," Hlengiwe said

"We should call Justin," Lesego said

"No, she will not be happy," Genevieve said

"I think the one who will be angry is Justin and you don't know shit," Hlengiwe shouted

The ambulance arrived and took her to the hospital and Hlengiwe ran with her before they went straight into surgery. Dominic and Justin barged into the hospital and they went to check for her name but Delilah called them.

"Justin, she's in surgery now and the doctor will get back to us, only Minnie can go in because she's family," Delilah said

"Fuck." Justin said

"You've been ignoring her so I don't know, I wonder why she would do this," Hlengiwe said with an attitude

"No, I haven't, We haven't been talking for a weekend after the funeral because I was busy but for the past month she's been ignoring me," Justin said

"What? That doesn't make any sense." Genevieve said

"If she goes on like this she will be put in a mental hospital," Delilah said

"We have to talk, but after she's awake," Justin said

Two hours later The doctor, Doctor Mbeki came to report to them and then he left when she was out. Justin and Dominic went in first while she was medicated.

"Hey, sweetheart," Justin said

"She is cuffed up to her bed, wrists and ankles," Dominic said holding onto the cuffs locked around her ankles

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