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The next day

The girls had classes and Sinenhlanhla was independent, so she was able to do her own thing when classes were over she went into the Admins office to sign up for fencing and it started this afternoon.

"You do cheerleading, are the captain of the netball team, the cheer squad and now you will be fencing, wow you have a really busy schedule and I think Justin will be very lonely with you being busy," Kassandra said

"Hlengiwe is our friend and I think she was faking it," Lesego said

"Oh god, Kassandra you poor thing I hope you have a good life and Aaron would still be with you if you didn't fuck with me but either way you will die alone," Sinenhlanhla said

"Yeah well, I think it's amazing," Delilah said

"She means how you strive for being captain for those two teams and start fencing," Genevieve said

"She's a fucking slut, she wants to go for Justin," Lesego said

"Then we must keep an eye on her," Genevieve said

"Are you going to see Justin this weekend?" Delilah asked

"No he has another game on Friday and maybe I will stay over but I'm going to just watch there, you wanna come?" Sinenhlanhla suggested

"I can't," Delilah said

"Why?" Genevieve asked

"Studying for the term," Delilah said

"So early? Just give yourself a break." Hlengiwe said

"Okay I will go, maybe I'll be there to watch and support him with you or someone else." Delilah smiled

"Why are you smiling?" Lesego asked

"Okay, Aaron invited me over afterwards and said I should come to watch him play," Delilah said

"Why don't you ditch the books and go." Sinenhlanhla smiled

"I don't know because he's a player and I don't want to get hurt," Delilah said

"Just go, it will be the four of us after that and you don't have to go for him, you and I can just go watch the game," Sinenhlanhla said

"They have a festival and they are going against St. John's College this weekend," Hlengiwe said

"My brother said he wants to hang with me and meet Justin like he doesn't go to the same school as him," Sinenhlanhla said

"We can take care of him, isn't he like in grade 7," Lesego said

"Yeah, an annoying little guy but he's 11 years old not in grade seven," Sinenhlanhla said

"I can't deal with children," Genevieve said

"It will be so packed with everyone, my brother said Michaelhouse College is coming and St. John's College and another school In Johannesburg," Sinenhlanhla said

"Well, this is Hilton in Pietermaritzburg so they must respect that the three best schools in the continent are bringing it and Hilton College will win with the spirit of St. Anne's College," Delilah said

"We have to do something tonight," Sinenhlanhla said

"If you mean to Kassandra then I'm in," Hlengiwe said

"Well with the last week of faking it, did you find any useful information," Genevieve said

"Yeah, a lot," Hlengiwe said pulling the three of them aside

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