001. partying, but make it traumatic

113 9 635

ESMERALDA NORTH SURVEYED HER BATTLEGROUND WITH GRIM DETERMINATION. The lights were low, the disco ball was revolving, and the DJ was drinking water from a plastic bottle, ready to shout into the night. 

Everything was perfect. 

She just hoped it was good enough. She didn't want to disappoint, and this party was everything to her. What else could it be? Her social status needed to shine, and she needed to get into the good graces of the students of King's. 

And into the good graces of her. 

"Let's get this party started," she smiled, taking a sip of punch from a red Solo cup. 

IT WAS ONLY TWENTY MINUTES INTO THE PARTY,  BUT XANDRA CHO WAS ALREADY DRUNK. The booze was good tonight, strong, mixed with several alcoholic beverages that would certainly kill her liver, but it was worth it. 

They were in a massive penthouse, the home of the one and only Esmeralda North, but more commonly known as Brooklyn West. A teenaged model who made billions from her pretty face and prettier speech. Xandra only had an invite because she was a notorious party-goer, known for having a good time, and she was vaguely friends with Esmeralda herself. They had somewhat of an alliance, watching each other's backs at parties, but n never really saying hi to each other under the fluorescent lights of King's High. 

Here, the lights were low, LEDs fading through the rainbow, as kids bounced to the pop song that was blasting in Esmeralda's living room. Everything was easier to say and do under dim lights. Xandra nodded absently to the beat over her cup. 

In the kitchen, chips and popcorn were scattered everywhere, M&Ms crushed underfoot and leaving brown smears on the white marble floor. A charcuterie board was on the kitchen island, displayed fancily on a thick wooden cutting board, and someone --possibly Theo Sun-Laurent-- was stuffing their face full of cheese and meat. Cracker crumbs mixed with the crushed candy on the ground. Xandra hoped Esmeralda had enough money to pay for a really good cleaner. 

Here, by the punchbowl and kitchen sink, was where Xandra loaded up on drinks. She'd downed a couple of shots already, and could feel them buzzing in her veins, blurring the edges of her sight but making her adrenaline pump along to the bass of the music. She needed to get buzzed enough before making her way out onto the floor. Sober Xandra would never even think of touching that dance floor, with all the makeuped smiles and glittery compliments, but Drunk Xandra couldn't wait to get out there. 

Chugging one last questionably made drink, Xandra made her way for the dance floor, grinning fiercely at people passing by. The darkness made it hard to see, and that made it easier for Xandra to be nice to everyone. Her tongue felt fuzzy and loose, and she began singing along to the song playing as she shook her shoulders to the beat, closing her eyes and dancing freely. 

This was what it was all about. The freeness, the inhibitions... gone. She could laugh loudly, run her hands through her hair, sway to the music, and never think once about anything at all. The coldness that washed over her on a normal basis was gone; now there was only heat flashing through her, making her cheeks flushed and her dancing fervored. 

When she danced, something unlocked in her, and other people could see it spilling over her like a fountain of youth. They saw the confidence in her moments, the rosy glow of drinks and pure bliss. They were attracted to it. So when the boy came up to her, she wasn't surprised. 

"Like your dress," he shouted, gesturing to her outfit. 

It was pretty. Normally Xandra didn't wear dresses to parties, they often gave the wrong idea, but she'd gone for it this time. It was her first party of the month, and she was willing to play it up. 

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