005. say yes to the life endangering quest

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ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, IT COULD'VE BEEN MUCH WORSE, Naoki reflected, swinging her feet as she sat on a metal table, watching the four new members of her squadron. Harper Rabatin could've been one of them

Dexter, Xandra, Paris and Theo weren't a bad group. There was lots of nagging between them: Naoki couldn't recall a single lecture she'd given without being cut over by Xandra and Paris sniping at each other like they were in the middle of a world war. But Naoki could work with acknowledgement. She couldn't work with ignorance. 

When the Keepers had first been established, they were a ragtag group of stragglers, the very few in numbers who hadn't suppressed their Walking dreams, and wanted to make a difference. As the years went by, and they evolved into the Keepers, an elite force of soldiers and warriors, they had need of a base. 

First it was a church, then a massive basement. One of their better seasons, Kiernan had told her, was when they call camped out in an Ikea up by Washington Heights. 

"There were more than enough beds and meatballs," he joked. 

As the city shifted and grew, so too did the Keepers. Their location changed, always, to keep from the Queen of Shadows finding them. When Kiernan came into the role of general, he knew exactly where he wanted to move the base next. 

King's High School. 

The seven-floor building was an optimal choice. It was surrounded by flatter apartment complexes, which gave it an advantage of sight. There were hundreds of rooms that could be repurposed into anything. A nurse's office provided medical supplies, and there was an endless amount of frozen foods in the cafeteria. 

Naoki's favorite room, though, was the dance room. Sixth floor, off to the side of the elevators. It was lined with mirrors, so dancers could better see their movements, but Naoki simply spent hours in there, watching herself move, tilting her head just so and softening her lips. 

She liked knowing she was real, sometimes. That other people could see her. 

Kiernan had converted the dance studio into a training room. A rack of weapons stood on wobbly legs at the far end, and the lights were turned up high. Several mats from the gym lined the floors and walls, for sparring, and there was a small punching bag from one of the guidance counsellor's offices. 

In this room, the four practiced their magic. 

"Okay, let's take a break, then we'll run through your routines one last time!" Naoki called, clapping her hands. "Good job." 

"I feel sick," Paris groaned, clutching his stomach. 

"Woman up, Berlin," Theo sniped. "The Damia are gonna get you." 

"Oh shut up, lover boy," Paris rolled his eyes. "At least I won't fall in love with one of them." 

"I'd never fall in love with a Damia. That's just as bad as falling in love with you." 

Xandra chugged water from a plastic bottle, spilling it down the corners of her mouth. "God it's hot." 

"Yeah," Dexter agreed, plopping down on the ground and wiping the sweat off his brow. "When are we going to be done with training?" 

"Once Rox evaluates you, and deems you fit for the field," Naoki replied, reaching for her own water bottle. 

"Did you have to do this too? Or did you just bat your eyelashes and get in?" Theo asked. 

"I did the training, all of it. Under Rox himself, though. He pushed me harder than I'd ever been pushed before. I graduated top of his class." 

"No surprises there," Paris murmured. 

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