018. *mass chaos ensues*

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PARIS CHECKED HIS PHONE, DEXTER READING OVER HIS SHOULDER as a new group message popped up. They had been mid-way through a mind-boggling Christopher Nolan movie that Paris didn't quite get, and in all honestly was grateful for the break. Typically, Dexter and Paris had sleepovers on Thursday night, then woke up and did a movie marathon all of Friday, but their lazy day was being interrupted by Paris' jingling phone. 

"It's from Theo..." Paris glanced at his boyfriend. "Do you want me to put it down?"  

"Go ahead," Dexter smiled, reaching over and pausing the TV. "Tenet can wait." 

Thank God. Paris opened the message. 


Sassy Pants, Hurricane, Tiny Dancer

Sassy Pants: guys, something happened with Naoki. 

Hurricane: huh? why isn't she on the chat? 

Sassy Pants: she had a nightmare. But it was super fckn trippy? she doesn't remember anything. 

Hurricane: the fuck

Sassy Pants: it's got to be Illias. 

Hurricane: that son of a fucking whore ass bitch. I'll kill him. 

what happened to her exactly?

you're freaking me out, dude

Sassy Pants: she woke up this morning screaming. idrk what happened 
but clearly she's not having a good time. she didn't remember anything. 
it was like meeting naoki from a year ago or something. she doesn't 
remember her dad. she barely remembered me. 

Hurricane: can we come over? is she good?

Sassy Pants: can't tell. i don't wanna tell the parents because you remember
what happened last time. 

Hurricane: u right. keep it on the dl. we'll meet at the park? 

Sassy Pants: yeah. paris, dex, you guys don't have to come, we can fill you in. 

we're coming, dick. let me get my shoes on

Sassy Pants: k. see u in ten. 
thanks guys

Hurricane: duh. she's our friend too

Sassy Pants liked a message. 


"Well," Dexter said, eyes wide. "That's not good." 

"Yeah," Paris rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, Dex. Looks like no movie morning." 

Dexter gave him a soft, crooked smile. "We have plenty more. Let's get moving." 

Paris kissed his cheek, then offered a hand to help him stand. "We got a psychopath to beat the shit out of." 

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