Prologue: Doom Arrives

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A/N: wanted to rewrite this after not believing my current work with the original story to flow correctly or coherently enough than it should. Enjoy this new rendition!

Legends of heroes and villains have existed through civilization as far back as pre-recorded history. A tale of a single, or several, individual(s) rising against the perilous and coming out victorious in the end. Such stories have lived through the years as a remembrance to those who rose above all odds and selflessly gave their lives against dark evils.

Over time these olden tales warped and lost their true account—becoming more myth—but still keeping its true values and story at its heart. The older tales differentiate between their more modern counterparts in the heroes and antagonists themselves. Whether it be their acts of heroism or the power they wielded to achieve their goals, storytellers seem to always manage to over exaggerate a character's feats for one purpose or another. This form of storytelling influenced the perception and viewing of such tales today.

Where the impossible is possible and the odds are never insurmountable. The gradual rise in stories of those rising to the occasion has never grown tired in peoples' minds, and they seem to only grow ever more out-of-this-world with every telling. Yet the reality between fictional and the factual have become ever more closer to one another.

The tales of heroes and villains have—slowly through the years—allowed themselves to come to life for the world to watch in awe. Caped crusaders; men of iron; hulking abominations of nature; hammer-and-lightning-wielding gods. Once thought to be only possible through the pages of a book, beings possessing supernatural power take on foes with equal or, in some cases, superb abilities.

And like heroes and villains, each one has a rising. An origin to where their journey to either manifestation begins. Whether it be one of hardship or guidance of another, everyone has their story.


Kuoh Academy. A once private, all-girl school turned co-ed, in the small, urban town of Kuoh, Japan, has become an institute for every age group—from elementary to college. Like many of its kind, Kuoh Academy possesses a wide variety of clubs and activities for students to participate in.

It's highly encouraged for all students nationwide to take part in one club or another to prepare  them for the life of hardship many Japanese industries/companies put on their workers. It also helps many create social skills and bonds with others that many citizens of Japan appear to lack. Again, even with numerous clubs present for many to have a hand in, these are optional (albeit more akin to interests and hobbies than actual topics of professional discussion or research). Anointed over them, controlling and managing their activities and events, was the Student Council.

Run by eight students of Kuoh Academy, these individuals are responsible for the organization of school events and the issuing concerns brought up by their peers. At the head of the small organization is Student Council President, Souna Shitori.

An intelligent young woman known for her extremely strict demeanor, Souna Shitori was at the top of her class when it came to almost anything. Not only that, but she was—by the school populace—the third most popular girl in the school, albeit this can be contributed to the girl's remarkable beauty.

It was a strange detail of the school, but one to be expected by easily impressionable teens, that the popularity of students would be ranked by their looks.

Nonetheless, Souna Shitori was the pinnacle of excellence of a student at Kuoh Academy, and a peer amongst many. Along with her eye-capturing looks, Souna had it all, and no one knew much else. Other than her looks, strict attitude, and popularity in Kuoh Academy, no one had a good understanding of the young woman.

Doom DxD (Rewrite) (DXD X MARVEL) Where stories live. Discover now