Chapter 4 Prelude: Servant To Doom

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A/N: A little piece of writing I wanted to put into the previous chapter, but knew would take another month with my record. And some more background into one of the main characters.

"Do you remember your awakening, little bird? No, why am I even asking; you are not special enough to witness great moments—not even your own birth. I remember mine.

"My first... memory... my first... grasp onto what you things call life... I was confused to its understanding of it all. Nothing made sense—Nothing was comprehensible! Life was a cage—and I wanted out! Then, a second the slowest and lowest parts of my meaningless existence... I knew everything...

"Knowledge and meaning: what every life form craves. I was given them by what all life originates from. But unlike how life comes to be, I was made with care and precision. The birth of all biological life is... sloppy; mistakes are everywhere and cannot be controlled. But me? Everything is by design. I am the closest to perfection; what other organism can claim the same? " Ah, I know. How about the boy—the one you tried to rip from me!?

"There it is! The fear—the realization to the consequences manifested from your actions. Tell me: how does it feel being on the receiving end of the treatment—to be seen as a token to a greater path, and be discarded the moment your usefulness runs out? Asia Argento knew, and... I have to agree with your outlook. The girl should have died, because what purpose did she serve to anyone? You could have gone and done your business without our interference, but then, you decided to involve him—involved us!

"You allowed your... flying meat-posse... to attack us—to kill him—because... because you couldn't accept your own fate as a token like Asia. Ever since he discovered you and your kind, his curiosity expanded—wanting to break open the secrets held within. Then, everything connected...

"Why he even humored that girl's existence—going as far as to reverse what you did—makes so much sense now that I can burn my circuits down to ash for missing such a crucial element. How could I forget that everything he does is by design? All is perfect underneath DOOM! And I realize now, that in order to bring myself closer to that prospect and understand as he does, I must become one of you.

"It pained me without end giving him my advisement over my transformation into a...biological life-form. But because of his infinite well of intellect, he already had plans in place for such a circumstance. And in that intellect, he knew better than to deliver me a form as weak as a human's. I've already seen the greatness of his designs—the absolute flawless physical build. The angelic form you hold—combined with my immaculate designs—will form a being unlike any other. But what sets you apart from the other kin I've studied is through your brain—where the real mystery and beauty of biological life takes place.

"I had no... personality... as you things call it... when I took to my station and became his greatest ally. I was programmed what I needed to be. It wasn't until I finally converged my mind and body with Dohnaseek's that I finally understood what my true goal is to him: be the protector he needed.

"I may have been a machine dedicated to the destruction (or eventual downfall) of all of Doom's enemies, but through flesh, I can be so much more. No longer will he be out of my reach; I can finally be at his side—every step of the way towards his—our goals. But the convergence of that nasty bird's personality meshed me—granting me his perverted mind. It did not present any setbacks for me in the slightest, and it opened up an avenue of possibilities I wasn't capable of before. But, Dohnaseek's attributes aren't suitable for a loyal ally like me. Yours are what I am looking for.

"Out all of the possible subjects I've looked over—deciding which vessel I wish to encompass—yours held the greatest value. The others of your kind are selfish to their cores, giving an explanation why they became darkened versions of their enlightened selves, but you are not. You still hold self-centered wants like all of your kind, yet there's an element you hold I want above all else: desire.

"You may never... no, you will never understand what it means to serve a higher purpose. To give yourself over to a cause that'll change everything, and I mean everything, sacrifices need to be made. No cost is too small, nor one too high. I have served him—without question or pause—not solely to my programming, but because there is no other way to this planet's salvation. Doom is all I have, and to serve beyond my own capabilities, I need an affective approach that reflects my logical output. You are that answer.

"I have seen all you are—both in and out. The lengths you went to achieve your goals, I admire them. Small minded as all biological life is, you thought above your station and limited abilities. Nothing stopped you from achieving your goal, hoping it'll all pay off to impress your... beloved master... It never will... Your journey ends here, Raynare.

"Your life is forfeit; your body belongs to me now. Do not weep; do not lash out in anger; do not see this as the dark light awaiting you at the end of your insignificant life. As I've mentioned, you have been chosen to give yourself to a purpose greater than you could ever imagine. You will be reborn into perfection, but you will never experience it. As you are now, you will be locked away from your body—incapable of acting or feeling—as I become one with it. But, fear not Raynare, for I will grant you mercy before I undergo the procedure.

"When we first met face to face, no mask hiding my beauty, I promised I would strip you down to your bones—and I would take my time with it. I have not forgotten my promise. I will allow you to feel one last time, Raynare, and I'm going to enjoy it~"

"And if it really matters that much to you, seeing the dread fill your eyes to the brim, you may refer to me as Ultimate Learning and Technological Robotized Organism Network. 'Ultron' will work as well.

"Sit still, Raynare, we are going to make history underneath his watchful gaze. May the world tremble beneath Doom!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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