Chapter 2: Doom Searches

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A/N: Hey, reader! Thinking about playing Midnight Suns for the story? DON'T! Go read one of the endless piles of MCU readerxCharacter fanfics on here. The game's writing is about on par with those on here.

A peculiar few minutes it had been for Vasyl.

It began with the dimming sky above becoming a dark, then violet, mess that failed to take form. Quickly following behind was the sense of entrapment that surrounded him underneath the summoned bubble he was in. His mind was trying to figure out what had caused such a disturbance, and then he found it.

His attention dragged itself into a park he and Zora just happened to be walking past, and it appeared everything in it was underneath the bubble. With his curiosity getting the best of him, Vasyl released himself from Zora's side, while she was still comprehending what was happening, and went looking for the source of the mess above.

Once far enough in the park, Vasyl could hear his name being called out by Zora, the Latverian's cries clear to him, but the boy chose to ignore them. The sound of his name continued to echo through the park and Vasyl's ears, but Vasyl had to satiate his curiosity before he could respond to Zora's call.

With every step he took, Vasyl could feel the source causing the sky above to be in its hellish form, and everything beneath to be stuck in a state of unmoving darkness—where shadows were darker and light scarce. Just ahead of him, Vasyl could see a large water fountain, and at its edge stood two figures. To be exact, it only one figure stood, the other laid just beneath them.

Approaching closer now, his eyes finally adjusting to the change of lacking light, Vasyl was able to make distinct characteristics of the scene before him.

The figure standing was female. She stood at 175cm (5ft9in)*, with the help of some black thigh-high heeled boots. Vasyl could not get an exact age on the woman, but estimates put her around 22-25. She wore little clothing, leaving much of her figure exposed and easy to detail for Vasyl, not that it didn't matter much to him. What she did wear were black strips of leather around her torso, with black gloves running up her arms, shoulder-like guards with three spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and the mentioned black heels. But the most protrudent feature this lady possessed was the large black wings sticking out from the woman's back.

*in the wiki, it's said she's 164cm, but that's in her 'Yuuma' form, at least from what I could find, and it does not give an apt description for her true form, where she is taller than Issei. So, I just guesstimated.

The way the large feathered appendages fluttered and moved upon the voluptuous woman's back didn't give Vasyl the impression the woman was wearing a simple costume. Nor did the energy coming off the enigmatic woman. An energy Vasyl had narrowed down to the one responsible for the bubble surrounding the park.

Looking down at the woman's high-heeled shoes, Vasyl recognized a peer of his from Kuoh Academy, Issei Hyōdō. He only realized it was the second-year student when he turned to face him on the floor. A large hole was present on his stomach that leaked an uncontrollable amount of blood—gushing forth without stop. Based on the shape and its size, Vasyl calculated the young man to be dead within moments, and could not care.

When the dying young man's eyes turned to Vasyl's, the woman had her attention to the boy's as well. With a clearer look of her face, Vasyl could only see violet eyes relaying a look of sadistic glee.

"Ah, and here I thought that this place would be empty of mortals," the winged-woman spoke with a dark tone towards Vasyl. "But it appears I've made too large of a barrier to take care of my business," she said, floating up into the air without the assistance of her wings. Vasyl continued to look on, his unflinching form and stare continuing to bore into the floating woman.
"No matter. What's one more human," she grinned maniacally.

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