Chapter 3: Doom Aquires

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A/N: Reader, Doom demands you laugh at the silly name above. Go ahead, Doom shall wait, but not for long.

"Lord, father all-powerful, and ever-living God, I thank you today for your blessings of life and gratitude to your humble servant. May your blessings continue to shine down upon me as I venture forth onto the path you have shown me. May you show forgiveness for my... past transgressions against the Church, and all you hold sacred. May..."

Asia did not know whether the listener of her prayers would accept her next words, but she thinks it would be nice addition for the lord to shine his favors upon others.

"May you also extend your graceful blessings to the benevolent Vasyl and Zora for the aid they've provided in unknown lands. Amen."

With the finishing of her prayer, Asia Argento lays her head down upon the amalgamation of sheets and fabric she's come to accept as her bed and only form of physical comfort. Lying beneath the near pitch black darkness of the church she's come to occupy for the past couple of days, Asia tries to find further comfort in the empty walls of God's sanctuary.

The cold stillness of the air forces Asia to huddle herself for warmth beneath the thin fabrics of her bed. The all-consuming darkness—only lit through the rays of the moon's reflective light shining through the unkempt windows as particles of dust flew all around—may not scare Asia, but it did sure keep her paranoid what laid beyond it. No noise—inside or out—held a presence to Asia, not even the smallest of life could be heard chirping from where the nun laid. The only thing that could be heard—despite it producing none—was the sound of Asia's thoughts echoing to herself. The state of the church looked no better either from where the nun laid.

Compared to its outwards appearance, that remained pristine and untouched by the passage of time, the insides of the church did not receive the same treatment. The beams supporting the roof-end of the church were beginning to splinter and decay. The failing structure worked its way down towards the sides of the building—forming various-sized cracks in the walls. Aforementioned dust—that has been collecting for several years—left the wide space an untouched crypt more than an abandoned building. The decorations and stained-glass window work had been washed away, much of it no longer recognizable other than confirming the existence of something being there. And with the lack of life that now fills the holy cathedral, it filled Asia with great sadness how one of God's holy sites has been left to fester to this degree.

The lodges she was taking shelter in—located and connected just behind the main church—were in no better condition, either. Much of the same problems in the area of worship followed into the Church's lodges, and leaving whatever remained a depressing sight to even look upon—let alone sleep in.

But who is she to judge?

Asia was in no position to judge—and had no right to. With her past deeds, she should be more thankful than ever for having a space such as a church to be her place of refuge and safety. God was being more than kind to give her this place and everything else that she's come across since arriving to Japan. She just assumed he was showing pity to her for how far she has fallen from his teachings, rather than a sign of mercy.

No, Asia knew herself only as a "witch", as the Church branded her so. She deserved no forgiveness from God, but that did not mean she would turn away from him, especially in her greatest time of need. If this was the only way Asia could get repentance, then so be it.


"Vasyl! Wake up!"

Jolting up from his desk at the interruption of his inner thinking, Vasyl turned up to see Zora looking down at him. A noticeable frown was etched across the warrior's face upon his discovery in the lab. It wasn't her usual frown that she's always beholden, but now one of actual anger and frustration. Many that have faced Zora in combat knew what temper she held when she had that look, but Vasyl couldn't care.

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