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((AN: This was originally posted on an old account I forgot existed and no longer have access to, so it will not be posted here))


You had thought getting that voice acting gig at Meatly studios was your big chance. Everything about the Bendy show looked perfect, cute characters, good music, a staff that loved their job..mostly. But no. You did one little recording as Wendy, Bendy's girlfriend, for the pilot episode. It airs, the show instantly becomes popular, and you? You get replaced. Because for some god forsaken reason, Joey Drew decided they needed more sex appeal. In a kids show. Wendy was scrapped, and they created Alice Angel instead, hiring some other girl who, you had to admit, sounded like an angel to voice her. And thanks to your contract, Joey couldn't fire you, so for a while, you were stuck working a boring desk job, going through paperwork, making sure all the correct files were approved, and basically turning into the little errand girl for everyone else in the studio.

Little to say, you had grown a tad bitter about that.

then, things started getting weird. Joey started to act strangely, though only a little bit at first. You didn't really notice it until he started putting these Bendy cutouts all around the studio, one even directly beside your desk. Then he drew those weird symbols on the wall, next came that inky nightmare of a machine. You started to feel like you were constantly being watched, you felt paranoid. Suddenly one day Joey comes to you, asking you if you'll give him this cute little Bendy plush your mother had made for you when you first joined the studio as a voice actress. He kept rambling about appeasing the gods, or something like that. You didn't pay much attention, too busy being frightened by his disheveled and almost possessed appearance. You shoved the doll into his arms, along with your resignation. You couldn't take that place anymore.

Nor could you take any voice acting gigs after. Being replaced right after a pilot episode didn't look good on a resume. You were never even called in for an interview.

That was all 30 years ago. Now, with the recent passing of your mother, you found yourself standing before the abandoned Meatly studio, wanting to get your old doll back.

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