Dreams come true. So do nightmares.

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      "Henry? Henry what the hell is that?! And what did you do?!" You had run down the hall towards the door, but stopped before you entered the room. Henry stared at you in confusion for a few seconds, before he finally recognized you. Henry hadn't aged well. His once blond hair was turning grey and thinning, and his face had begun to take on wrinkles, though that shouldn't have been a surprise. He was how old now? 50? 60? He looked so tired. Henry lifted his hands up defensively, shaking his head. "Y/n! It wasn't me, I swear! I think..I think it was Joey..what are you doing here?" His brow furrowed, and when you finally remembered that this was Henry you were talking to, a man who wouldn't hurt a fly, you slowly stepped into the room, eyeing..Boris...warily. He was real..but he couldn't be. He was fictional...a cartoon character. But here was, right in front of you. His black fur looked so real, you could even make out the individual hairs. The texture and fabric of his gloves, his clothes..."I...my mothered passed...I came to get the old doll I gave Joey." You were surprised that you could even talk, this was so horrifying. You turned your head, examining the room, and your eyes grew wide as they landed on the right wall. 'Who's laughing now?'

Oh god...oh good god. Joey, what have you done?

"I..got a letter, from Joey." Henry explained his arrival, following your shocked stare to the wall. "He said he wanted to show me something...I hope it wasn't this." "We...we need to get out of here. Right now." As if your brain finally registered the scene before you, you ran out the door before Henry could say anything, and headed back to the studio's entrance. You grabbed the handle, ready to fling the door open and run from this crazy, sick place, never stepping foot inside again, but, the door, it wouldn't budge. The knob didn't move. It wasn't that the door was locked. It was unlocked, you could see that. But, the door, the knob, they just...weren't moving. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you began to try frantically turning the knob. It wouldn't budge. You were trapped..you were trapped. Tears stung at your eyes. "Y/n?" You whipped around to see Henry, his face full of concern. You tried turning the knob again, just to show him, and he paled when he realized the same thing you had. There was no getting out of here. At least, not this way. Slowly, he spoke, knowing you weren't going to like his idea. "..I think we need to turn on the ink machine." He was right. You hated the idea. It was so stupid! What was that pointless, horrible machine going to do to get the two of you out!? But at the same time, what did you have to lose? And for all you knew, maybe this was some sick joke Joey was playing, so maybe turning on that machine was what he wanted. You let your hand fall from the knob and to your side in defeat, using the other hand to wipe the tears from your eyes. You could see a cutout of Bendy watching you, smiling at how scared you were. You used to think he was so cute, such a cute little cartoon demon, but now you just wanted to break that stupid cutout into pieces. You never wanted to see another image of Bendy again, so long as you lived. Henry placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, but you remained silent, and merely followed him back to that room. There, you noticed that some items were needed to start the machine, though you didn't understand why. Not at first anyway. Then you realized what one of the items was.

Your Bendy plush.

Had Joey somehow used these things to start the machine? How the hell...what the hell...

Shaking the thoughts from your mind, you decided to focus on the job at hand, and went to leave the room and find the needed items. And that's when a Bendy cutout blocked your path. As in it moved. It had literally moved. That's when it dawned on you. If Joey had managed to create a physical version of Boris, who's to say he didn't do the same thing with Bendy? You stared at the cutout in horror, and it stared back with that everlasting grin. Faintly, just loud enough for you to think you heard, but not enough for you to be sure, you thought you heard..a laugh. a chuckle. You quickly walked around the cutout, wrapping your arms around yourself. You had to look for those things, you had to. The door wasn't opening, and this could be your only way out. Out of this nightmare. Now you were sure that the feeling you had earlier, the feeling of being watched, it was real. You were being watched. By Bendy. You made your way through the halls at a slow pace, your legs feeling like lead. You came to a stop when you noticed an old recorder propped up against the wall. Hesitant, you took it, clicking on the play button. A mans voice came through the static, and you vaguely recognized it.

"At this point, don't get what Joey's plan is for this company.The animations sure aren't being finished on time anymore,And I certainly don't see why we need this machine.It's noisy, it's messy, and who needs that much ink anyway?
Also, get this.Joey had each one of us donate something from our work station,like put them on these little pedestals in the break room.To help appease the gods,Joey says. Keeps things going.Even that errand girl, Y/n, or whatever it was.But she didn't just give him that, she gave him her resignation too.Can't say I blame her.
I think he's lost his mind, but hey, he writes the checks.
But I tell you what,if one more of these pipes bursts,I'll be following the errand girl right out that door."

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