A trip down memory lane Part Two

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You glared at the book, wanting so badly to just throw it in the trash where it belonged, but you were pretty sure it was needed for the ink machine, so you tucked it under your arm and pushed yourself up off the ground and glanced around. You still wondered what the deal was with this little makeshift projector area. The studio had a perfectly good projector room. Or, at least, he used to? For all you knew maybe the machine didn't work or something, but whatever. No time to dwell on that. Best not to dwell on anything here. You headed towards the machine but paused slightly when you remembered he Bendy cut out standing there. It watches you with its everpresent smile, but it's eyes seemed to be...alive. Somehow. They didn't move or blink, but that's how they looked..ugh. You quickly looked around and spotted the vinyl propped up against the machine. Oh god. It was so close to that stupid cut out. You bent down and grabbed it, not once letting your eyes leave Bendy.

He didn't move.

Thank god.

You straightened and after having a minor stare down with the cutout, you allowed yourself to look away, and began to examine the old record. It was worn, probably not playable anymore. One side was warped slightly, and the thing was covered in scratches and ink. Gross...you looked for a name, either for the music, or who it belonged to, and saw the name Sammy Lawrence scribbled across the middle. Sammy...god, you hadn't thought of him in years.

"Alright, Miss (L/N), follow me!" Joey grabbed your hand and grinned, dragging you through the studios behind him. He watched your wonder filled expression as you looked around the studio, and laughed. "You'll have plenty of time for a full blown tour later, trust me. For now, I want you to meet Sammy! He's our music director, and you'll be work with him A LOT, so it's best you two meet as soon as possible. Especially since we plan on putting you to work right away. The pilot is due in two weeks! Again, I'm sorry for grabbing you on such short notice." "I-It's okay.." you mumbled, still looking around. Even though it wasn't a fancy place, not by a long shot, and it certainly wasn't Disney, you could already tell you were going to love it here. The place just felt...magical. As you walked, you spotted a man, slightly older than Joey, with glasses, drawing at a desk in a corner. He glances up at you and waved, smiling warmly. You waved back, but Joey quickly pulled you around a corner and into a projector room.

Music drowned out any other noise. On the screen is what you cold only guess was the pilot episode. Bendy, the shows star, was doing a little dance, along with a character who looked a lot like him, but much more feminine, with a little skirt and high heels, and she had a flower in her hair. You watched them dance for a moment before turning to see that only one person was currently using the room. He was blond, with a small bit of stubble growing on his chin, well dressed, but looking annoyed. When he saw Joey, he stood, and turned off the projector. "It sounds great Sammy, it sounds great!" "Yeah, uh, thanks." Sammy replied, shrugging. He didn't seem to care for Joey's praise. In fact, he didn't look to thrilled to be here at all. "And this is the kid you found at...a birthday party?" He gave you a critical look, and didn't sound very impressed, but Joey was grinning widely. "Yes, actually! Miss (F/N) (L/N). Now, I know what you're thinking Sammy, but trust me, the girl's got pipes!" "I hope so." Sammy crossed his arms, still giving you a once over. "I'm tired of working with people who have no idea what they're doing, Joey. So she had better deliver, or you had better find someone who can."

Well, no pressure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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