The studio

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"Jesus Christ, Joey. You really let this place go.."

You closed the door behind you, furrowing your brow as you stared at the inky, broken down mess around you. Meatly studios really had gone to hell before it was finally shut down, it looked like. You were grateful you left when you did. Old posters covered the walls, ink puddles riddled the floor, and you already counted three of those damned Bendy cutouts in this hallway alone. Everything else looked broken and rotting. When you first joined the studio, it was like walking into some fantasy land. Now it resembled a cheap haunted house hurriedly put together a few days before Halloween. You couldn't believe Joey had let it gotten this bad, or that anyone else hadn't stopped him. Especially Henry. Henry never would have put up with this, but maybe, like you, he got out of there before things finally came crashing down.

You picked your way across the floor, trying to avoid as many ink puddles as you could. You were still in your work uniform, having come over straight from your shift at a local diner, and you really didn't want to ruin the outfit, worried that if you did you might have to replace it. Lord knew you didn't have the money for that. You could have gone home and changed first, but that seemed like too much work. All you had to do was go in, find where he put the plush, and go out. Not that hard. Or at least, it shouldn't have been. You paused to glance at the posters as you made your way. Bendy in The Darling Little Devil. Bendy in The Dancing Demon. You remembered that fondly. Before Alice Angel was made, Wendy was supposed to have a supporting role in that episode. In fact, she was supposed to be the one to convince Bendy to wear the tutu.

It was the only other episide besides the pilot you ever got to work on, and sadly that version never aired. Damn Joey Drew. Damn him straight to hell.

You stopped as the hallway splintered off into three parts. Before you it took an abrupt end, revealing a sort of..projector room. You didn't remember that. Then there was a hallway on either side. Standing near the projector was another cutout. You frowned and chose to go to the hallway on the right. You were trying to maneuver the studio by memory, but you hadn't been there long, and 30 years was a lot of time passed. You were a bit older now than you'd like to admit. When the hallway ended, you let out a small gasp.

Written on the wall in dripping ink were the words 'Dreams come true'.

It was still on the scare level of a bad haunted house, but..knowing it didn't belong here, that this wasn't some Halloween attraction, it was enough to rattle you. Still, you wanted that doll, very badly. It had been so special to you, and not a day went by that you didn't curse yourself for handing it over to that slimeball Joey. So you pushed forward, trying to ignore the writing as best you could, turning down yet another hall that splintered from this one, and that one had two more hallways. One led to a door that went to that damn ink machine. There were a few other doors as well, but upon trying to open them, you found that each were locked. So you decided to go check out that machine.

God, it was an ugly looking thing. A total waste of space. Again you found yourself silently asking Joey what he had been thinking when he did all this. It was large, with many gears poking out. There was a piece attached that resembled the trunk of an elephant, and it looked like it was supposed to spit ink out. Gross. You turned to leave and let out another gasp.

Dammit! Another stupid cutout! And this one has managed to scare you. You let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through your long (h/c) hair. "Bendy, you do know it's rude to scare your girlfriend, right?"

This wasn't a strange thing for you to do, actually. You often talked to yourself or the things around you. People said it was a 'charming quirk'. Whether they meant it or not, you didn't know, nor did you care. You handled things better when you talked, and no amount of judgement was putting an end to that. Laughing slightly, you left that room and decided to go down the other hallway next. However you barely took a few steps when a board fell from the ceiling, causing you to scream. You stared at it, clutching your chest as your heart beat a million miles per hour, and for a split second, you thought you could feel a pair of amused eyes on you. But only for a second. You shook your head, scolding yourself for overreacting, and carried on down the hall. The hall forked off and you glanced to your left, then froze.

An open doorway revealed to you Henry, one of the two men you had been thinking about earlier.

And behind him? Boris, the wolf. Another character. Only he was there, as in PHYSICALLY there.

Chained to a sort lf operation table, his chest cut open and held so with a pair of prongs.

You let out another scream.

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