Chapter 1

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Panam POV

It's been three short years since I returned to Night City. My sweet (y/n) is now three. After a year all my leads on Arasaka dried up, so I opened a mechanic shop. Working on cars and doing odd jobs for my fixers when they come in is nice. "Mama!" (y/n) shouted as he jumped onto my back, "Hi baby," I said, "What have you got there?" I asked as he handed me something.

"W-Where did you get this?! Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?!" I said, "You do not touch Mommy's things alright! You could get very hurt or worse!" I scolded, "Sowy

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"W-Where did you get this?! Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?!" I said, "You do not touch Mommy's things alright! You could get very hurt or worse!" I scolded, "Sowy." he said as he hugged me, "I know you are baby, I know you didn't mean to do it. You know Mama is just worried about you right?" I said.

"Rogue." I said as I walked over to Rogue, "Panam goddamn Palmer. What can I do for you?" Rogue said, "I need a favor. For some reason, V trusted you. I don know if it was cause of Johnny or what, but he always said that if we needed anything you'd have our back." I said, "Where's this going?" she asked, "One of my fixers got me a job, Militech's involved and I don' don't have kids, do you?" I said, "No I never had a little ankle biter." she said, "I need you to promise me that if I don't make it back I want you to look after (y/n). He's a good kid, smart too." I said as I took a drink. "I owe V, I owe him a lot. So yeah I'll look after the kid for you." she said, "Thanks." I said, "Why'd you come to me for this? Surely there are better people for this." she said, "Claire is gonna raise him, but you're the one person who'd teach him what's important and how to survive this city without fucking him up." I said, "Well then I'll have to pay him a visit sometime. Grandma Rogue has a lot of work to do." she said, "It's actually good you're here. I've been meaning to return this to you." she said as she handed me a key, "This is the key to V's Aerongight S9 'Guinevere'." I said, "H-He bought this for our first real date. €$155,000 and it breaks down in the middle of nowhere." I laughed, "We had to call Claire to come to get us. But until we got picked up, we just laid on the car's hood and looked at the stars. He said some cheesy shit, but I remember it being sweet. I miss him, I miss him so much." I said.

I went to some nightclub popular with Corpo elites. The job was simple, go in and grab a netrunner who got grabbed Militech's Corpo suits. "So let's see I got my new shoes that increase maneuverability, Johnny's gun, Gut's, ten neurotoxic knives, a machete, and my monowire." I said as I geared up hiding my weapons.

I walked up to the club's entrance but was stopped immediately. "Sorry lady, club's closed. Private party." the bouncer said, "Too bad. I was hoping to get a few drinks and maybe make friends." I said seductively, "Well I guess I'll have to do without the drinks." I said as I wrapped my arms around the bouncer's neck, as he leaned in for a kiss I wrapped my monowire around his neck and decapitated him. I went into the club and all eyes were on me. "So who's first?" I said as I drew my knives as several bodyguards ran at me. I threw my knives, several missed, but four hit their targets and killed them nearly instantly. I drew the remaining two knives and stabbed and slashed several guards infecting them with the toxins, but before the knives were used up I threw them into two guards. I drew my machete and hacked and slashed through several guards before it got shot from my hand. I drew Gut's and fired, but the recoil knocked me on my ass so I switched to Johnny's gun and opened fire picking off guard after guard. Before long there was only one left and I needed to reload. I ran at him and tossed a clip into the air. I fired off the fire cartridges into the guard's face and ejected the empty clip and slammed in the clip I threw. Once he regained his sight he found himself staring down the barrel of my gun before I put lead in his eye. I went in back and found some Corpo slimes torturing the target. I whipped three of them to death with my monowire, "Free the netrunner, I won't ask twice." I ordered, "P-Please don't kill me!  I-I'll pay you! T-Tripple, no! Ten times what you're being paid now!" he begged, "Fine Eddies first." I said, "W-What! F-Fine!" he said as he transferred me the money, "Get out of here." I said he ran and I shot him in the back of the head, "Thanks for the Eddies dumbass." I said before freeing the netrunner, "Thanks for the help, but I had them where I wanted them." she said as she took off the hood they put on her.

" she said as she took off the hood they put on her

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"The name's Lucy." she said as we left, "Panam. Good to meet ya." I said as we got in my car. "You cyberwear's bugging. Whoever programmed it was shit. Here let me fix it as a thank you." she said as she hacked into me and fixed my optics. "Thanks." I said.

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