Side Quest: Hell of a Team

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Panam POV

"Hey, I've been meaning to call you. Never did get around to it so it's good I'm here." Lucy said, "I've been thinking about Smasher, the new one that is." she said, "It's V. Don't, don't ask me how I know, just trust me, it's V." I said sadly, "Let's say it is V, who said he was the only one those Corpo fucks messed with?" she said, "So you think there's more than one?" I said, "If you could make a super soldier who wouldn't go cyberpsycho, would you stop at just one?" she said.

After two weeks of recovery, I was back in working order! "Mama!" (y/n) shouted as he ran to me with a shard. "What have you got there?" I said as I took the shard and slotted it.

[I have info that you would find intriguing. I'm more than happy to give it to you if you can zero Minato Natozuma, a leader of a Tiger Claw gang, the very one who ordered the hit on your life. do this and the information is yours along with a fair sum of eddies. -Hy7*0n)#]

"What a weird job request. I'll have Rogue check out how credible this is." I said, "Come here munchkin." I said with a smile as Lucy took the shard, "Huh, there's an encrypted message, from Rogue. She says we can trust them, and the info's good." she said, "Who gave you this shard kiddo?" she asked, "Grandmama Rogue." (y/n) said.

We went to Minato's hideout. We slaughtered them all. "Bet you wish you did the hit yourself don't you, Minato Natozuma." I said coldly as I wrapped my Manowire around his head, "Go fuck yourself." I said as I flicked my wrist and tore his head to shreds.

We got our eddies from Rogue and called it a day.

"Mama!" (y/n) said as he ran to me and hugged me, "Hey there bud, were you a good boy for Misty?" I asked, "Yeah!" he said, "made a fwiend!" he said, "Did you now? Well, that's great to hear sweetie." I said sweetly.

The next morning I went to get my information but got a call from Rogue, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEAD! So I did all that work for nothing?!" I snapped, "A masquerade ball?" I said, "I see, yeah I can do it, but it better be worth it." I said.

"So why are we here and why did I have to wear a dress?" Lucy asked as we approached the club where an Arasaka exec was holding his masquerade ball, "I needed a netrunner and you're the best netrunner in the city." I said as I looked at my ring, "Here put this on." I said as I tossed her V's ring, "I was only able to score one invite, so for the sake of this job, will you marry me." I joked, "I'd say no, but when you put it like that, how can I refuse, honey." she said as she put the ring on her finger, "Got iron?" I asked, "Didn't think I'd need any."  she said as I tossed her a pistol, "In our line of work, we always need it." I said as I loaded my gun and put on my mask, I decided to make my eyes blue just to be safe, "So what's the play?" Lucy asked, "You hack everyone and get the highest creds you can while I distract them." I said, "Simple, I like it. Let's go." she said.

The plan was going great until I was approached by Colin Ridley the host of the party! "I don't recognize you. I know every woman at this party from their...assets." he said as he put his hand on my shoulder, "I'm new." I said curtly as I brushed him off, "I think I know what's going on're a Joy Toy!" he laughed I was tempted to shoot him in the balls for that comment.
Panam: [Lu, got the host. thinks ima Joy Toy, gonna lead him on. Hack 'em and we'll get outa here.]
Lucy: [Right, just make sure you lead him somewhere private, don't want any flags getting raised.]
Panam: [Right, gonna lead him to the bathrooms.]
"You got me, look I got hired to come here to provide...entertainment, but my wife's here. Why don't we take this somewhere private?" I said as I grabbed his tie and lead him to the bathroom. "Let's get started baby." he said.
Panam: [Hey he doesn't need to be conscious for this? Does he?]
Lucy: [No, it'd actually be easier if he wasn't.]
Panam: [Right, I'll try not to kill him.]
He began to take off his pants, but I got close and kneed him in the balls before slamming his head into a stall door knocking him out. Once Lucy texted me that she had what we needed I wrapped my Manowire around his dick, "Fuck you asshole." I said as I flicked my wrist retracting the wire and left him in a pool of his blood.

We went to an Arasaka subsidiary that was connected to their main network and used Colin's codes, "The fuck is this?" Lucy said, "What is it?" I asked, "It's something called Project Centurion. Looks like a viable way to mass-produce something like Adam Smasher with minimal risk of going psycho. There's only one person who survived so far, but their name's been redacted. The project originated somewhere called Day City and was spearheaded by..." she began to say, "Judy Álvarez." I said sadly, "You know her?" Lucy asked, "Thought she was a friend once upon a time, guess I was wrong." I said.

"I'm home." I said exhausted, "MAMA!" (y/n) said as he ran to me, "What is it, Mommy's tired." I said, "Me fwirend!" he said as he dragged me to the tv and streamed a live stream to it.

I shut off the stream and laughed, "You made friends with an adult Cyber Streamer!" I laughed, "Yeah you're definitely your father's son. You little goofball." I said as I kissed his head, "Come on, it's time for bed. It's way past your bedtime already." I said.

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