Side Quest: Queen of Hearts Part 2

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Panam POV

"It's finally time." I said as my restraining bracelet deactivated along with Victoria's, "Just pretend like it's still on alright?" I said, "Right, but how? these have redundancies that should make this impossible." Victoria said, 'The ICE here isn't too dense, plus the code is shabby at best. Pan, get your ass home, (y/n) misses his mom.' Lucy said, "Right, let's go." I said as I cut through the cell's bars and opened a few more cells to start a riot as a distraction. "This way!" our mole said as he lead us, but as we were on our way to escape Dexter grabbed me and pulled me into a secluded area. 

"Keep this bitch quiet and maybe I'll let you boys have a turn with 'er." Dexter said as he tossed me to his goons, "Now I don't like bein' lied to, hate one thing worse though, that's bein' disrespected." Dexter said as he pulled a shank out of his waistband, "Big blade, tryin' to compensate for somethin'?" I said cockily, "I've been wondering something. How the fuck are you still alive? My husband watched you get shot!" I said, "Titanium plate in my skull. I'm a cautious man and it helped keep the lead out of my head." he said as he ran the blade across my cheek and down to my tits. "I'm shocked that thing didn't stab you  in your fat ass!" I said, "You know what, you've got a real mouth on ya, and that pretty mouth of yours is giving me some very fun ideas." he said as he cut my clothes and tore them off, "N-No! Don't you fucking dare! I'll kill you, bastards!" I shouted as I struggled, trying to get an arm free to cut them to ribbons with my mono wire, "Keep strugglin', it'll only make it that much better for me." he said, suddenly he was on the ground and his dick was mounted to the wall with his shank, "You dumb fucks were warned." Victoria said coldly as she crushed Dexter's goons' heads and tossed them aside, "Dexter Deshawn, how many times did you try and fail to dethrone me? Ten? No twenty times, God you were one persistent cunt. Time for us to part ways," she said as she kicked Dexter over, "permanently." she said as a cannon emerged from her forearm and fired a grenade into his chest that imbedded itself into his flesh, "Are you alright Panam? Here put this on." she said as she wrapped a blanket around me and held me close. As we walked toward our escape route I heard an explosion. "How did you do that?" I asked, "The remote explosion or..." she asked, "The super speed shit." I said, "After Vince and I ran away I couldn't shake the feeling that our parents would track us down." she said as we entered an air duct, we stopped in the female guard locker doom so I could get some new underwear at least. "I was right, Mommy and Daddy came for us with iron in hand out for the blood of anyone who tried to help us. I was ready though, I had a piece of cyberwear I had stolen implanted. I installed a Qiant Sandevistan MK.4, it's a fucking beast of a machine. Took every ounce of control I had to keep it going for even a few seconds back then, but it was more than enough to let me kill my parents. Took a knife to Dad's throat and shot Mom with Dad's iron. By time the Sandevestan deactivated I had long since emptied the clip into my mother's skull. Passed out not long after, was out for three weeks and even after that the thing was still kickin' my sorry ass." she said, "I've mastered it since then and now I can use it at will with little to no consequences." she said as I put on some new clothes.

We escaped and got to the car Rogue sent us. But it wasn't a clean getaway, the cops started pursuing us and we were pretty much defenseless against their guns! "We need to go here!" Victoria said as she pointed to the middle of nowhere on our map. "Don't you dare get me killed!" I said, "If I wanted you dead or worse, would've let Dex have ya." she said as we drove to the coordinates she sent me at top speed.

When we arrived we ran into the abandoned shack, "Used to call this shithole home once upon a time. She holds quite a few secrets, but no way Rogue knew about this one, I hope." Victoria said as she put the key into a small hole in the wall opening it up and revealing a small armory! "Gear up sweetie." she said, "Swore I'd never use this again, but desperate times." she said as she grabbed a revolver.

" she said as she grabbed a revolver

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"Mama, forgive me." she said softly.

Victoria POV

Panam grabbed a rifle from my stash.

Panam grabbed a rifle from my stash

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"Let's do this." I said as she got into position while the cops surrounded us. I took a deep breath and activated my Sandevistan. I got in nice and close to see the fear in their eyes before I put a bullet through those same fear-filled eyes. I could hear Panam firing at the cops in the back covering me. I reloaded after I emptied my rounds and after my first shot the hammer snapped, "God fucking damn it!" I said angrily as I took one of the cop's guns and shot the rest with it before switching to one of their shotguns, I killed them one by one until only one remained. He was wounded and begging for his life, "Go on, tell that bitch Adam Smasher that the Princess is back." I said, suddenly Panam shot him in the head, "Let's get going." she said as we got back in the car riddled with bullet holes and drove to her home.

"MAMA!" a little boy shouted happily as he ran to Panam, "I've missed you so so much honey. (y/n) this is Victoria, she's your aunt and your Dad's sister." Panam said, "So you're Vince's kid? You look a lot like him." I said, "So Victoria, do you have a place to stay?" Panam asked, "I'll figure it out." I said, "That's a no. You can live with us till you 'figure it out'." she said with a laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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