Phone Call Gone Wrong, or Maybe Right?

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*Hermione's POV, no Hogwarts, she never met Draco before*

"This was really lovely Draco." I tell him as we end our dinner date.

"It was." He agrees, "I'll call you later okay?" I nod, blushing.

He checks the time and sighs, "I got to get going now. Have a great evening Hermione."

I smile at him, "You too." He walks away, leaving me at the table to wait for the drink I ordered when he paid.(He even paid! What a gentleman!)

I immediately call Ginny, my best friend, I don't even give her a chance to say anything, "Oh Ginny! I've never seen a man with so much dimension! It's the way he walks the he talks the way he makes me feel inside! It's in his smile it's in his eyes-"

I stop talking when I notice Draco, standing a few feet away, awkwardly staring at his feet.

"Um, I forgot my jacket." I nod silently as he grabs it off the back of his chair, folding it over his arm. His suit sleeves are rolled up and he looks so yummy I want to faint.

"Um yeah. Bye." I awkwardly say.

He turns to go and then turns back around, "It's nice to hear you think so highly of me." He teases, and then he walks away.

"Oh Ginny." I sigh. She laughs.

"You're telling me all about it when you get home!"

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