El mar siempre me traerá de vuelta a ti

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Nina looked out of the window. The sun was shining in early May, and it surprisingly hadn't rained in almost a week, which was very uncommon for England. She had lived in England for five years now. The decision had been hard but in the end the right one. Oxford had put her on the right track and given her a future, in more ways than one.

It had been almost two weeks now since she had finished her final exams at Oxford, and she would be graduating in a month with both literature masters degrees. They had gotten plane tickets back to Buenos Aires a week after that. They would need to go there anyway for Simon and Ambar's wedding, and since they were both part of the bridal party and were required to be there before the day of, it was just easier to do the move at the same time. Moving back to Buenos Aires had never been a question to either her or Gastón—neither of them had ever planned to live their whole life away from their friends and family. It was time to go home and start building their life together.

Ever since they'd made that decision, they'd spent a lot of time looking for an apartment in Buenos Aires. It was a good thing that Gastón's mom was one of the best real estate agents in the city. Isla had done most of the heavy lifting, especially since two of them couldn't be there to look at the places in person. Luna had told them that they could have just stayed at the mansion for a while, but they decided they would rather have their own place from the start, for...reasons. And Luna was finally about to move out of the mansion herself as Matteo was finishing his tour—they'd finally be moving in together, even though they had already lived "together" for years while Matteo had also lived in the mansion.

Gastón had graduated with a master's degree in mechanical engineering a year ago, as one of the top of his class. He had been working for the past year for the London branch of a prestigious engineering company. He had actually made such an impact that he had also been offered a job with a very successful engineering company in Argentina a year ago, but he had declined to stay in England with her, something which she had learned from experience not to feel guilty about. She wasn't that insecure 17-year-old girl who thought she wasn't worth enough anymore. They had made the decision together. Nothing had been lost anyway because he had been offered the job again and would be taking it on as soon as they moved back.

She took another book from the shelf. She had been sorting and packing all their books away the whole morning. She put the book in the box and reached for the next one. She smiled, it was her book. She had been working on her first book ever since she had come to Oxford and it had been part of her literature thesis, but she would have never imagined that it would actually get published.

It had actually been Gastón who had insisted that she send it to publishing agents. When she had finally gotten enough nerve to actually do it, she had been shocked by how many offers she had actually gotten. She had finally settled with the only Argentinian company who had shown interest, and the book had been released in both Spanish and English. She had done the majority of the translating herself. Thanks to the hype surrounding her book, she had already been offered a journalism job in Buenos Aires once she graduated.

Si Pudieras Tener un Deseo, or If You Could Have One Wish in the English version. It was about a girl who had wound up in the clutches of foster care after her parents' divorce but ended up finding herself again after standing up for herself. She had partially based it on her own experiences of being a child of divorce...and parts of Alicia's experiences had been mildly inspired by her break up with Gastón almost six years ago, the only difference was that things had not turned out so well for Alicia as it had for her...or would it? That would be determined in the sequel that had already been commissioned.

She eyed the shelf and sighed. The rest of the books seemed to be too high for her since she was so short. Gastón always liked to tease her about that, since she had not grown an inch during their separation. She would probably need to leave the rest of the books for him since they didn't have a safe stool for her to climb on, but she really didn't want to leave the task half done. She could probably reach at least a couple more books. Nope, she couldn't. After a couple of more tries, she decided to just give up. She picked up the rest of the books on the lower shelves and took them to the box to sort them.

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