Si alguna vez hubo una pareja perfecta, esta califica

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"If there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifies!"
- Oh My God You Guys; the Cast of Legally Blonde the Musical

A/N: Wow, wow, what is this? A wedding before all three couples are engaged? Well, let me explain. This fic follows the chronological timeline that has been established in MOT. Simbar got married before Lutteo was even engaged so their proposal is not coming before it. Also, additional note: The wedding "chapter" will be in two parts, the first being about the planning and the preparations and the second one will be about the wedding itself, so enjoy.

"Ready to do this?" Simon stopped in front of his family home's door in Cancun. He and Ambar had come straight from England to Cancun to relay the news about their engagement to his family. It was something you couldn't just tell people on the phone, at least to his family.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Ambar, his fiancee now, smiled at him. She really was the most beautifull girl in the whole world, and soon she'd be officially his.

"They are gonna go crazy. This will be your family, so you still have time to turn back before we walk through that door." He joked. It was true, his family could be bit much. Simon still quite vividly remembered the moment Antonio Carcia had gotten down on one knee in front of his sister Maya almost eight years ago. His younger sisters Rika and Maria had almost knocked the ring out of Antonio's hand before he had finished asking the question, they had been eight at the time, and now of course they were already 15. Honestly, Simon could not fully blame Ambar if she decided to back out, it would break his heart of course, but his family was quite crazy and the more he spent time away from them, the crazier they seemed

"I would not dream of it," Ambar smiled at him back. "You sure that they are all home?"

"Mom "forces" everyone, if you are in the country, to have family dinner every Saturday at 12 o'clock sharp. The is no ditching it. Last time Maya was allowed to miss it was when she was giving birth. I would not be half surprised if Mom would have forced me to travel back for the dinners for Buenos Aires." That had definitely been part of the discussion when he had decided on the whim to fly after Luna so long time ago. His mother had not been the biggest fan of the idea.

He took the keys out of his pocket and put them in the lock. "ready to crash the dinner?"

"I got my ring. Lets go."

Simon opened the door silently and he and Ambar tip-toed through the living room. It was completely empty.

"Hey! We can look at my baby pictures later." He saw Ambar's eye linger on the pictures on the fireplace. He yanked her away from them and she gave him a small pretend pout.

So his family was definitely in the dining room. They could hear the talking coming from there. The dining room was on the side of the living room so two of them crept around the corner. Simon took a small peek around the corner and saw his parents and siblings sitting around the table.

"Suprise!" they dashed into the dining room.

"Simon! Carla was the first one to get up from the table and came to hug her son. "We thought you said you would be in England."

"We were, but we decided to take a bit of a detour," Simon answered his mother after he finished hugging both of his parents. "I hope we didn't interrupt your dinner."

"Don't try," Maya also got up from the table, "you interrupted on purpose..." they heard noises from the other room, "And I see you also woke Valeria." Maya playfully punched Simon on the shoulder. He pretended to be hurt as he smiled at her. Maya had always been his favorite sibling and he adored his niece. "I'll be right back," she said as she went to check on her daughter.

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