Alguna vez hubieras pensado que, tú y yo éramos una oportunidad de encontrarnos

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"Could you ever have thought, given where we started, you and I were chance to meet?"- Never In A Million Years; Luke Brady, Christine Allado

"Well guitarista, I am pretty sure this is the best you have ever looked," Matteo shouted to Simon from the bed in the hotel room after the hairstylist had finished with Simon's hair, "It was totally worth it to it being necessary for four of us to hold you down so you wouldn't move. But that's the price of beauty."

"Matteo, leave him alone," Gastón remarked from next to Matteo, even if he also seemed to be on the prink of laughing. Ramiro and Nico had not even tried to keep it and were already folding over from laughter on the couch.

"You guys will be the death of me," Simon turned back to ward the mirror and stared at his image for a moment. Delfi had been in charge of the men's wardrobe under Ambar's direction. Simon and all of his groomsmen were going to be wearing honey-colored bowties accompanied by white dress shirts and black tuxedos. "Pedro, can you give me that notebook from the nightstand?"

"Here you go," Pedro, his best man, brought his lyrics notebook to him. Simon had written his vows in there, mostly because he wanted them to be in a safe place so he wouldn't lose them, but also because he didn't want Ambar to see them and he had a very annoying habit of leaving loose papers all over the place. "Thanks. I just wanna go over them one more time."

There was a knock on the door once Simon finished reading the vows in his head. They were perfect. He was really looking forwards to getting to say them to Ambar. He looked up as Pedro walked over to open the door.

"Okay, we just got Abuela, Mom and Dad to the ceremony venue," Rico and Julio came through the door, "Mom has probably already cried like five times."


"Yeah," Julio threw himself on the couch, "the first time was when she was looking at your baby pictures with Abuela, the second and maybe the third one was when she saw us in tuxedos. I don't even know why she cried for the last times."

"This is your fault Simon, she is gonna be like the whole week at least." Rico came to him and playfully punched him on the shoulder, "Well, anyways, you have finally become a man. Congratulations."

Simon chuckled. Rico has terrible at expressing emotion. "I love you too, Rico. And you Julio."

There was another knock on the door. Simon turned towards it confused. They were not expecting anyone else...

"I came to inspect the groom!" Jazmin burst in as Pedro opened the door. Jazmin was already in full bridesmaid costume, with a full-length shampanja colored dress with a V-neck and her red hair on a braided bun on the top of her head and decked out in gold accessories. Simon knew what the bridesmaids would be wearing since Luna had been sending him a lot of pictures. Ambar had apparently banned everyone from showing any pictures to their significant other, so Luna had said that she needed to gush about how pretty the dress was to someone.

Jazmin determinedly made her way to Simon and gave him a thorough "pat down" with her eyes. Simon tried to look for help from the other people in the room but they just all gave him the "It's Jazmin, don't question it" look.

"You'll have to do," Jazmin said and simply walked ot the door.

"Uhmm, did I pass the inspection?" Simon wondered out loud as he sat back down on the armchair.

"I would say yes, but it is Jazmin. You can never tell." Gastón remarked.

"Maybe this has something to do with that Ambar asked me to burn your beanies," He heard Matteo continue.

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