Ti amo fino al sole e ritorno

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Luna woke up as the sun shined in her eyes. She carefully opened her eyes and reached for her phone that was on the bedside table and turned it on.

10:45? 10:45!?! Luna shot up from the bed so quickly that she almost fell. How was it already almost midday?

She looked around in her and Matteo's hotel room in Cancun. They had already been there for two days, with Gastón and Nina, and Simon and Ambar and it was the last leg on their summer Europe excursion, even if it was not in Europe.

They had not any set in stone plans for this day so Luna had half expected that since she had overslep Matteo had too, but he was nowhere to be found.

She didn't need to wonder where Matteo was for very long, as when she looked at her phone again, she saw a message from Matteo sent in 9:30.

Matteo: Gastón forced me to go to the gym. See you later if I am still alive.

Luna laughed at the message. During his years at Oxford, Gastón had apparently gotten into a rutine of working out and always liked to rope Matteo to go with him. Matteo always liked to complain about how he didn't have time to stay in shape while constantly being in between the studio and tours. This explained why Matteo was not back yet, since whenever those two went to the gym together, it took forever, as they tried to out work out each other. Luna did not completely know how Nina put up with it as she had never heard her complain about it. Well... if she was honest, Luna could maybe guess that there were things that you would appreciate about your fiance working out.

As Matteo was at the gym and there was nothing to do and it was already pushing noon very soon, Luna decided that she might as well get up.

She quickly shot a message to both Nina and Ambar to ask if they had any plans, and then started rummaging through her suitcase for some clothes.

Huh, it was weird but, she could have sworn her skates should have been in the bag... she looked around in the room and the piles of clothing she alredy had lying around. She honestly didn't remeber taking them out of the suitcase, but... oh well maybe she had just forgotten again.

Luna pulled a lilac mexican style shirt on with a flower patterned skirt. She looked at herself in the mirror. The outfit was such that Ambar for sure would have made fun of it, but it didn't matter, not like they were going to go anywhere that day.

As she was trying and failing to attach earrings without a mirror —something that she always struggled with— she suddenly became highly aware of how hungry she was. Right... she had overslept, so she had missed breakfast.

She looked at the clock, the hotel's breakfast was probably already over, but it wouldn't ut to check. There was no point waiting for Matteo, as he seemed to be stuck at the gym ... who knew when he was coming back. Luna dreaded the day Matteo would get the idea to install a home gym in their apartment.

Luna got up from the bed and looked at her phone. Neither Ambar or Nina had answered anything to her message, so there was nothing she could do about that. As they embarked on their trip, they had made a strict agreement to not go on knocking on each other's hotel room door if it wasn't something urgent like if they were leaving for a flight.

Luna looked at Matteo's message again. It was a bit strange that he would spend this much time at the gym...

As she was about to send him a message something on the table on the other side of the hotel room caught her attention.

It was a pink rollerskate wheel. Why on earth was that doing there? Luna walked up to the table and took it in her hand. It was not from her current skates... those had yellow wheels.

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