Despierta un sueño que estamos destinados a seguir. Partiendo hacia nuevo mañana

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"Start a Dream that we're meant to follow. Heading out for a new tomorrow"- Happily Ever After; Jordan Fisher, Angie Keilhau

"I honestly still can't believe that this day has come," Matteo said to Gastón from the driver's seat as he turned to the road that led to Villa bosque de Rosas.

The back of the car was stacked with garment bags holding dress shirts, tuxedos, and vests. Plus there were bags that held their shoes, bow ties, and more. Thank goodness the buteniers had been delivered straight to the Villa with all of the other flowers, it would have been such a pain to transport them.

Gastón, Matteo the Best Man, and all of the groomsmen had gone to the barber together at 9 AM at Buenos Aires to get cleaned up, and then had gotten into cars and started to make their way towards the Villa.

Matteo had insisted on driving only Gastón, so the others had squeezed into Pedro's and Simon's cars, since he was the Best Man. Matteo had declared himself the Best Man as soon as he had heard of the engagement and had been taking his job very seriously.

"You can't believe it?" Gastón asked him amused, "How do you think I am feeling?" He had, with all honesty, not been feeling nervous at all. He had been a nervous wreck when he had proposed, enough for Nina to actually tell that he had been nervous. He had been a performer as a teenager, but those days were way behind him, and the spotlight didn't really suit him anymore, outside of giving a presentation about ways to preserve energy to the team he worked with. But this was not going to be a performance, even when there were about 60 people watching them. In the end, it was going to be just two of them, he and the woman he loved, and committing to her for the rest of his life, spending eternity together. But he was sure some nerves would catch up with him at some point, as the ceremony approached, he wasn't made of stone after all.

"Yeah, but I am the one who has had to watch this from the sidelines for eight years." Matteo laughed, "You have no idea how relieved I am."


"Are the others behind us?" Matteo asked as he drove through the gate and Gastón opened the garage for him. There already were two cars there, his parents' and his own, which Luna and Nina had driven there yesterday. "Last thing we need is all the groomsmen getting lost."

"You seem more stressed than I am," Gastón laughed as they took the bag from the back of the car and walked to the side entrance of the Villa. They never used the big front door.

"Well, I am Matteo Balsano, control freak and a perfectionist." Matteo responded as they entered the hall the door led them to. "I remember when I first came here?"

"Yeah, when you tried to run away from you parents since you did not wanna meet me?"

"I didn't want to meet some stupid people affiliated with Sofia."

Matteo and Gastón sat down on a couple of armchairs in the hall while waiting for the other guys to arrive.

"This place really has lot of memories, huh?" Gastón said while looking around sentimentally, "When we met for the first time, but not for the first time. When we sneaked out in the middle of the night, just to fall into the river, I think my fingers are still frozen."

"I reaffirm, that was not my fault."

"You keep telling yourself that. I remember when I brought Nina here for the first time. Now the best moment of my life will be happening here."

"I am really happy for you," Matteo sighed putting a hand on his shoulder, "You and Nina have been through so much ... it is amazing that we are here. I am so proud of you... and I love you."

¡Sí! - La Trinidad del AmorWhere stories live. Discover now