Corazón lleno de amor, sin miedo, sin arrepentimiento

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"Heart full of love, no fear, no regret"- Heart Full of Love; Michael Ball, Judy Kuhn, Lea Salonga

"Try and relax a little bit," Gastón ran his hand on Nina's arm, as she sat basically frozen on the couch, "We invited them here for 5 pm, it is only 4:55 pm and it is Luna and Matteo, they'll be late. There is nothing to worry about."

It had been a week since they had moved back from Oxford to Buenos Aires and Luna and Matteo were finally coming to see their new house. They had not seen each other in person in almost a year. Luna and Matteo had meant to come to Nina's graduation, but those plans had ended up falling through due to the graduation date being changed and Matteo getting unexpectedly roped into a chain of charity shows. So the bottom line was that all of them had been extremely busy so they hadn't even really had a chance to talk properly in over two weeks.

They definitely had a lot to catch up on.

"We should have already told them," Nina leaned into him, taking his hand. He felt her relax as he ran his other hand through her hair.

"We are telling them as soon as we can. We all have lives, and schedules don't always match. We wanted to tell them in person, there really is nothing else that could have been done."

"What if they will be mad that we kept this from them?" Nina turned to face him. Gastón did understand her worries. The engagement was a big thing, and it was something Luna and Matteo definitely would want to know about. The month's delay in the news had not been on purpose, but just an unfortunate inconvenience. They had decided that they wanted to tell them in person, but they never intended to keep it this long. They had never intentionally hidden it from Luna and Matteo.

"I highly doubt that. Annoyed? At least a little bit? Definitely, you know Matteo, but we would be happy for them, so they will be for us." Gastón smiled at her, "Luna will jump through the roof. She does not have a mechanism to be mad about any happy news. You remember what she did when Simon and Ambar got engaged?"

"She squeezed them to death," Nina laughed, "Ambar still complains about it."

"That will probably happen again so we better brace ourselves." Gastón joined in the laughter. "But, don't worry. This won't change anything, their opinion doesn't matter. We are getting married, Luna and Matteo like it or not... or are you planning on jilting me if Luna gets mad at you?"

"Maybe I should..." Nina joked, "But no..." she came closer to him, "I would never."

"Good, because I can't live without you anymore," Gastón smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her.

Not a moment later the doorbell rang.

"They really have the worst timing," Gastón remarked annoyed as they got up from the couch and walked to the door.

"Aaaaaaahhh! You're back!!!" As soon as Gastón had opened the door, a hurricane of bright colors and over-bursting energy flew inside, tackling him and Nina into a crushing hug. Well, apparently you did not even need an engagement announcement to Luna Valente to squeeze you to death in her happiness.

"I can't believe you two are finally back! For real, like you are back here, in Buenos Aires, and not leaving again," Luna finally let them go, but still kept dancing on her feet in the hall. "You are here, right? You are not just some kind of mirage that vanish, like in dreams?"

"I missed you too Luna." Nina laughed as she and Luna hugged, just two of them. As they were hugging, Gastón locked eyes with Matteo, who had come in a couple of steps behind Luna.

"How much sugar has she had?" he asked Matteo as they did their handshake. They might have been almost in their mid-twenties, but that tradition they had started as 14-year-olds would stuck forever.

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