Part 6

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Pidge and I flew in our lions underneath the ship, Keith riding with me for the moment while Shiro was with Pidge. "Melody, are you ready?" Shiro asked. I nodded. Me and Pidge were going to guard our exit while Keith and Shiro find the Red Lion. We got into the ship. Shiro suddenly stopped. "Shiro? Are you okay?" I asked. "I've been here before, after we were captured, they brought us here" Shiro explained. "That means your other crew members might be held captive here, we've got to rescue them" Pidge said. "Pidge, we don't have time, we have to get the Red Lion and get back to Arus" Shiro replied. "But we can't just leave prisoners here!" Pidge argued. "Look, no one understands that more than me, but, in a war, we have to make hard choices" Shiro said before turning away. "No!" Pidge stood still. "Commander Holt is my father, he and my brother were the ones on the Kerberos mission with you" Pidge stated. That was a plot twist. Keith and I just watched. "Commander Holt is your father?" Shiro questioned. "Yes, I've been searching everywhere for him and my brother" Pidge replied. "So that's why you get so worked up and Kerberos" I finally put the pieces together. "I'm not going to give up looking when I'm this close, I won't" Pidge turned away. "I'm coming with you" Shiro suddenly stated. "What?" Keith questioned. "I remember where the prisoners are held, Keith, Melody will go with you to find the Red Lion" Shiro stated. I nodded. "Just remember, patience yields focus so-" Shiro was cut off by the sound of a door opening. "Run" Shiro ordered. Keith and I took off while Pidge and Shiro took off in the opposite direction. We came to a fork in the passage. "Great, now which way?" Keith asked. The sound of footsteps stopped me from speaking so we ran in the other direction. Keith and I ran in circles, at this point he was just making turns and I was just trying to keep up. We stopped once we came back to where we started. "Take a deep breath and focus" I put my hand on his shoulder. "Gotcha" Keith smirked and turned around before running off with me following him. Soon we made it to the Red Lion. Keith placed his hand on its forcefield. "There you are, come on let's get out of here, open up" Keith said. Nothing happened. "It's me, Keith, your buddy" Keith tried again. "It's me! Keith! Your-I am your paladin!" Keith shouted. Then we were suddenly being shot at. I immediately twirled my staff to make the lasers bounce off. Keith activated his shield. "I'm bonding with you! Hey! Come on! We're connected!" Keith shouted again. Keith summoned his sword before charging at the Galra. "You're not gettin' this lion!" Keith attacked one of the soldiers. "Melody! Get out of here and find the others!" Keith shouted at me. "What about you?" I asked as I swung my staff, hitting the soldier in front of me. Keith knocked out two soldiers but then more showed up and he was knocked to the ground. "Keith!" I ran towards him. "Hang on!" he turned and hit a button, causing the floor to open up. I yelled out in surprise, but Keith pulled me up to him. Holding me by the waist, he held onto the control panel while I held onto it as well. Some metal from around the ship hit my arm, causing me to lose my grip. Keith was determined to hold on. He was also hit by some metal and lost his grip on the control panel. We were sucked out of the ship. The Red Lion appeared along with the Gray Lion. Keith let me go as the Red Lion swallowed him and the Gray Lion swallowed me. "Gray!" I grinned as I got in my seat. "I knew you'd come for me" I began to fly through the air. We went back to the castle and had our lions gather so Shiro could get the Black Lion. "Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere, we need Voltron now!" I heard Allura. We then flew up and stood outside of the castle. There was a huge laser beam that hit the particle barrier, it was really strong too. "I can cover you with the castle defenses for a while but you'll have to form Voltron now or we'll all be destroyed" Allura stated. "Jeez, no pressure" Hunk retorted. "Listen up, Team Voltron, the only way to succeed is to give it all you got! This looks bad but we can do this! Are you with me?!" Shiro asked. I nodded. "I'm nodding, is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asked. "Yes" we all replied. We then began running out of the barrier. "So uh, how do we do this?" Lance asked. "Good question, does anyone have any ideas on how to form Voltron?" Shiro asked. "Um I don't know, maybe be a team" I said. "We are a team" Lance replied. "I meant like a real team, a real team trust each other" I said, turning Gray around, jumping up and smashing some of the small ships with a swipe of her claw. Keith stopped in his tracks. "We've gotta do something" he said. Then Hunk ran into him, yelling "Combine", which knocked the Red Lion over. It didn't work. "Let's try flying in formation" Shiro said. On his count, we began flying. Nothing was happening. Then there was the feeling of being pulled back. "I feel like we're all being pulled back in the same direction!" Hunk announced. "Uh guys, I think I know why, look up!" Shiro said. Looking up, the giant ship was there with some beam on us. "What the cheese?" Lance questioned. My eyes widened. "SPLIT UP!" I yelled. "Why?" Lance asked. "Oh I don't know Lance, maybe because THEY'RE TRYING TO GET ALL OF THE LIONS AND NOT JUST ONE!" I shouted. It was hard but I was gonna make it work. "Gray, come on" I pleaded as I finally managed to move her and knock Lance and Keith's lions out of the way of the beam. "Yes!" I cheered. Then I did the same for the other lions. "Great job Melody!" Shiro praised as I managed to get out as well. "I believe in all of you, do not give up" I said as the particle barrier was destroyed. "We're the universe's only hope, everyone is relying on us! We can't fail! We won't fail!" Shiro shouted. We got into formation again and the lions roared. Then all of our lions shot off and before I knew it, we were a giant awesome robot. "WE DID IT!" I cheered. We were all so excited. We ripped the beam off of the ship before Keith was smashed into the ship and sent a laser through it. We all yelled as we flew right through the ship, causing it to explode. 

I took my helmet off. "Great job paladins!" Allura smiled. "Thanks, pretty lady" Lance took his helmet off. "We did it" Pidge smiled. "Heck yeah we did it" Keith smiled as he took his helmet off. "I was just screaming the whole time, maybe that did it" Hunk took his helmet off as well. Shiro put his hand on Pidge's shoulder as she put her glasses back on. "We're not going to stop searching until we find your brother and father" Shiro said. Pidge smiled at him. "We won the battle, but the war has only just begun, I'm afraid Zarkon will not stop until he gets these lions" Allura stated. "Good thing you paladins know what you're doing, because you're going to have form Voltron again and again" Coran said. "I hate to break it to you, but since you weren't listening, we just said we had no idea how we did it" I informed. Hunk put his finger to my mouth and I glared at him. "We totally know what we're doing" Hunk said. "We barely survived forming Voltron this one time" Lance said. "And that was just one ship, just wait until you're going against a whole fleet of them, it's not going to be easy being the defenders of the universe" Coran twirled his mustache. My eyes widened at his words, so did everyone else's. "Defenders of the Universe, huh? That's got a nice ring to it" Shiro smiled. 

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