Part 7

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An alarm going off is what got me out of bed. Fearing for the worst, due to the fact that it's an alarm going off, I put my armor on and sprinted to down to the main control room. I met Shiro at the door. We were the first ones there. Coran was on the floor talking about Allura being dead. I realized that this was a drill. I stood there with my helmet under my arm as Pidge, Keith and Hunk showed up. "I'm guessing this isn't an actual attack" Shiro said. "You better be glad it wasn't, it took you-Coran?" Allura was clearly mad. "Seventy five degrees" Coran announced. I raised a brow. "Oh wait, this is a meat thermometer" he threw it. "However long it was, it was enough time for Zarkon to attack, and look at you! Only Shiro and Melody are in uniform!" Allura yelled. "Keith, Pidge, Hunk, where are your bayards? And where's Lance?" Allura asked. Just then the door opened to reveal none other than Lance. "Good morning everybody, what's goin' on?" Lance greeted. "Coran and I have been up for hours getting the castle back in order, we had to run a test on the alarms and we decided to run a test on you as well, guess which one failed" Allura stared at us. "Hey" Hunk yawned before continuing. "You got to sleep for 10,000 years man, Monday night, I was on Earth, now I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird castle, that's a lot to process in uh... I don't know, what day is today?" Hunk scratched his neck. "It's the third quintant of the Spicolian movement, Hump Day!" Coran grinned. "You must understand the stakes of our mission" Allura pulled up a screen. "Over the last 10,000 years, the castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations" the holographic universe appeared. "We have to assume that Zarkon has conquered almost the entire Known Universe, Earth is here, an attack on your planet is inevitable" Allura stated, showing us the location. I felt my heart break. Everyone I ever loved was there and to think that it could all just be destroyed, was upsetting. "Our mission is to free all of those planets, Coran and I are getting the castle ready to leave Arus, during that time, you have to learn to form Voltron, so we can begin fighting Zarkon" Allura said. "The princess is right, let's get to our lions and start training" Shiro ordered. "Wait, I want to talk to the prisoners we rescued" Pidge looked at Shiro. "Negative number six, I have you ranked by height, okay? The prisoners need to remain in the Cryo-replenishers until tomorrow" Coran stated. "That's right, now get to your lions" Allura instructed. Then we all went off to get to our lions. I went down my little elevator that  lead to my lion before jumping onto the zipline, letting go when the tunnel into my seat that then brought me to my lion. 

We all waited outside for Hunk. "Should someone go in after him?" Lance asked. Then Hunk appeared. "Sorry everybody, seriously though, can't they park these things a little closer to the bridge?" Hunk asked. "Alright, let's fly in tight formation until we're totally in sync" Shiro instructed. Then Allura popped up on a screen. "Feel the bond with your lions and your fellow pilots until six become one unit and you form Voltron" Allura stated. "Yeah!" we all shouted and took off flying. For a while we kept shouting "Yeah" with so much enthusiasm but it didn't last long since we weren't forming Voltron. I was a little frustrated as I'm sure the others were too. "Clearly this isn't working, let's set down for a bit" Shiro said. "Maybe we should be building Voltron from the ground up" Keith suggested. "What do you mean?" Shiro asked. "I mean, let's try literally building Voltron, like, stacking on top of each other" Keith explained. "Like a cheerleader pyramid?" Lance asked. "You got a better idea?" Keith questioned. "It's worth a shot" I said. Somehow, Pidge was in the right place, Lance was in Hunk's place, Keith was facing the wrong direction (facing sideways), I was on his lion, Shiro was then on my lion and Hunk was on Shiro's lion. "This is totally wrong, Hunk, you need to be where Lance is, Keith you need to be facing the front and on the right side, Lance you need to be on Hunk's lion and on the left side, I'm on top of Keith and Lance's lions and Shiro is on my lion" I was obviously aggravated. "Her perfectionist is coming out" Pidge commented. My eye twitched. "It's okay Melody, we'll try again" Shiro reassured me. We tried again and got it right this time. I sighed. "Okay, now feel the bonds with your lions" Shiro ordered. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on nothing else but my lion. Nothing was happening. "Is everyone bonding and focusing?" Shiro asked. "Why was this so much easier before?" Lance questioned. "Let's take a break" Shiro sighed. Suddenly Allura came through. "Sorry to interrupt, but I may be able to help, yesterday you weren't able to form Voltron until you were in the heat of battle" Allura stated. We all collectively agreed that that was indeed the case. "Perfect, because I need to run a diagnostic test on all of the castle's defenses, this should help" Allura sounded so cheerful. She then had the castle start blasting lasers at us. We all yelled as we began running away. "Allura! What are you doing?" Keith asked. "Running a diagnostic test on the castle's defenses and inspiring you!" Allura responded. "Oh, it's definitely inspiring" I rolled my eyes. "Forget this, I'm heading back to the castle!" Lance announced. He then made his way there only to hit the barrier and be sent flying back. Hunk was pleading for mercy. I noticed that a beam was coming at Keith and he wasn't going to be able to dodge it. "Keith!" I called out, ramming Gray into his lion, knocking his lion over and instead my lion was hit. "Melody! Are you okay?" Keith asked. "I'm fine, Gray's fine, take it as thanks for saving me the other day" I said before dodging more beams.

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