chapter 7

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(Warning:the following chapter is VERY different from the manga and anime)

Shit shit shit.

How! How could m/n forget that stupid festival was today! He didn't let any anger sunday, Saturday or Friday. One wrong word and he is done for. Kicked, jailed, shamed. Anything!. But hey what the hell! Now he's standing with the rest of the class. As bakugo has to give a speech. "I just wanted you all to know..I'm going to be number one....and m/n my number two."

Deep breaths.



Wait what? No bakugo! Pushing the thoughts from his head, he needed to focus and ignore the complaints of the others. God he was worked up. Feeling the presents of someone his smile was genuine for a second seeing it was bakugo. If this over confident, self centered asshole beleived in him. He damn as right could do it.

First up. A odstical course. Simple, easy. This was is so god damn simple compared to the things his hero friends, basically his other family, made him do. No one needs to be saved so just get myself out. This is a mission white.

The students all lined at the door ready.   M/n stood at the front. Only thing on his mind was that this was a mission white. So fucking get out. As the signal was set and they could go m/n activated his quirk in his legs to make himself run faster.

Speed, and smarts is what's needed for this.


No these weren't robots.


Don't fight these villains run. With all his might he jumped up on one and ran down its back before jumping off to the next odstical. Even with his quirk helping his legs burned, not from the run alone but that jump with hard. Only ever doing that maybe 3 to 4 times before it tired him. His legs sending a rush thought his body. And it made him think of when he was a kid. The  burning feeling was no longer a set back but a spark.

'If no one comes to safe you, save yourself.' he thought pushing harder. No one could save him. No one would save him. So he had to do it himself. No kindness of luther.

Allies of heros.
No friends by his side.

No bakugo.

It was him. He was his hero, and he was gonna be a damn good one. "WOW! The others are catching up fast but look at put still number one! M/n gold already at the mine feild! Boy can that boy RUN!" The loud voice echoed. Damn right. M/n was gonna win. No matter what, you get out alive. Even if your hit. Get up. Evan if your hurt. Get up. Even if bombs keep exploding sending you down. Get up.

To save them some times you have to save yourself. The gate. The exit was like a gate to heaven. A safe place. Like a warm home to shield from the cold. Might be the adrenaline, or he lost his shit but m/n could swear that exit was shining a light calling to him. With another jump he fell to the ground landing on one knee. "M/n gold first place! Bakugo katsuki second place!" Looking to see the asshole blonde beside him holding out a hand.

Taking it, bakugo helped him up. "Thanks katsuki. Good job." M/n praised with a smile. Waiting for the others, and the next task. Bakugo was right about thing thing. Him and m/n may stand side by side. But bakugo might not be first.

Luther couldn't make it because of work but he promised him and every single worker would be watching it on tv like a hawk. And they where cheering for there mini boss. As they called him. Same with the heros that befriended the kind boy, his allies, friends. Damn well most are family.

The Herican And The Tornado{Bakugo x m.reader}Where stories live. Discover now